Useful tips

Can darkseid beat Captain Marvel?

Can darkseid beat Captain Marvel?

1 Darkseid Is Too Devastatingly Powerful For Captain Marvel On a one on one basis, Darkseid would be able to beat her into submission. If he uses the Omega Effect, she would fall to it. Darkseid is just too much for Captain Marvel, as good as she is.

Can anyone in Marvel beat Darkseid?

You’ll be lucky if anyone would be able to beat darkseid in marvel as far as on earth. Darkseid true form could shatter the whole marvel universe if he left the 4th world. Darkseid is more powerful than thanos and you saw how many it took to defeat him.

Can Thor beat Darkseid?

The Demon God of Evil, Darkseid, is one of DC’s most powerful villains. Thor would certainly be thwarted by Darkseid. This fearsome villain would be able to drain the lifeforce from him, and even his godly weaponry doesn’t seem like it could withstand Darkseid’s Omega Beams.

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Who can defeat Trigon from Marvel?

Trigon is slightly above Odins power, and since he is considered the strongest Skyfather then that’s my answer. So anyone around Galactus level and higher. Trigon’s marvel equivalent would be Mephisto, The most powerful hell lord.

Who can defeat Darkseid true form?

One of the most shocking characters to defeat the monstrous Darkseid has to be Batman. Yes, Batman is one of the most impressive heroes of not only the DC Universe, but comics in general.

Who will win Hulk or Darkseid?

1 WOULD LOSE TO: Darkseid While the Hulk’s immense strength gives him as good a chance as anyone against Darkseid, Darkseid’s Omega Beams would be the deciding factor. The Hulk may survive a blast or two from them, but the more he’s hit with them the more of a toll they’ll take.

Is the anti-monitor more powerful than Darkseid?

In terms of their absolute power levels, the Anti-Monitor dwarfs Darkseid. In fact, his abilities dwarf nearly every other being in all of existence. One physical attribute that the Anti-Monitor has in his favor is vast, enormous size. In addition to that, he is seemingly infinitely strong and virtually indestructible.

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