Useful tips

Can pilots see the runway?

Can pilots see the runway?

To complete a safe landing, pilots must be able to see the runway at a specific decision height (DH) above the ground. A minimum horizontal visibility is also specified, called the Runway Visual Range, or RVR. The RVR is measured on the ground, and the information given to the pilots before they begin an approach.

Can pilots see over the dash?

All correctly point out that pilots in all modern aircraft can see perfectly well over the glare shield during flight and landing.

What visual illusion may you get if you perform an approach to a runway that is much wider than the runway you use on an often and regular basis?

Aerial Perspective Illusions may make you change (increase or decrease) the slope of your final approach. They are caused by runways with different widths, upsloping or downsloping runways, and upsloping or downsloping final approach terrain.

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Can a pilot open the window inside the cockpit?

It would not be possible to open the windows during normal flight. When the aircraft is not pressurized, either on the ground or if depressurized during the flight (intentionally or due to accident), then they can be opened. On most modern aircraft, the opening procedure is the same.

What are the visual illusions in aviation?

“Visual illusions usually induce crew inputs (corrections) that cause the aircraft to deviate from the vertical flight path or horizontal flight path. “Visual illusions can affect the decision process of when and how rapidly to descend from the minimum descent altitude/height (Minimum Descent Altitude/Height).”

What are the different visual and vestibular illusions?

Illusions involving the semicircular canals of the vestibular system occur primarily under conditions of unreliable or unavailable external visual refer- ences and result in false sensations of rotation. These include the Leans, the Graveyard Spin and Spiral, and the Coriolis Illusion.

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Can plane doors open underwater?

When under water, this force is exactly reversed, so the door WANTS to open *Inwards*. To open the door underwater, all you would have to do is open the locking mechanism, and then stand back as the evac slide inflates and all the water pushed the door open and comes rushing in!

Can pilots see other planes?

Answer: No, the pilots and air traffic controllers know when airplanes will pass each other. While a passing airplane may look close, it is actually distant.

How do airplanes determine which runway to land on?

During an approach, a display on the aircraft’s panel shows pilots whether the plane is to the left or right of the runway — on the localizer beam — and above or below the descent path, called the glideslope. To complete a safe landing, pilots must be able to see the runway at a specific decision height (DH) above the ground.

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Can a pilot look down from their seat in a cockpit?

Cockpits usually seem to have windows that are high up and it doesn’t seem from pictures that they would allow a pilot to look down so easily while sitting in their seat. Please correct me if that is Stack Exchange Network

Is the cockpit of an airplane hands-on?

The cockpit of even the smallest and simplest airplane can be an overwhelming place. Fortunately, the most “hands-on” elements of the cockpit—those which enable the pilot to direct the airplane’s actual movement from taxiing to landing—are usually similar from one cockpit design to another.

How far below the horizon can the pilot see on A320?

Airbus documentation claims the pilot can see 20° below horizon directly ahead (provided the seat is adjusted as recommended). Given the window of A320 is about 4m above ground, the closest point is about 11m ahead of them. And the nose wheel is more than 2m behind where the pilots sit.