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Can we plant apple tree in Bihar?

Can we plant apple tree in Bihar?

Why can’t we grow an apple in Bihar? – Quora. Well answer is quite simple, apple needs cooler climatic conditions than it is found in bihar and that’s why apple plants will grow and maybe even bear fruits at some places but there is no guarantee of good yield and rich quality fruits.

Why is apple not growing?

If your apple trees are not growing well and the fruits are small, it often indicates a growing problem. Roots are the main source for the tree to absorb nutrients and water. Poor growing conditions will stunt the growth of the tree as a whole. There should be no competitive growth around the base of young trees.

Can apple grow in hot climate?

Apples can grow anywhere, excluding extremely hot or extremely cold climates.

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Can apple trees grow in India?

In India, Apple is primarily cultivated in Jammu & Kashmir; Himachal Pradesh; hills of Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal. It is also cultivated to a small extent in Arunachal Pradesh; Nagaland; Punjab and Sikkim.

Which fruits can be grown in Bihar?

Bihar is the third largest producer of vegetables and fourth largest producer of fruits in the country. It is the largest producer of Litchi, Makhana, Guava, Lady’s finger in India. The state already exports Litchi, Basmati rice and snow pea.

Are apple trees easy to grow?

Growing apple trees organically can be challenging. Sadly, fruit trees also have a down side because they experience pest and disease problems, poor production, and nutrient deficiencies. And growing apple trees is notoriously difficult. When growing apple trees, there are so many potential problems to contend with.

Why is my apple tree not producing fruit?

Answer: The lack of fruit is likely due to the absence of flowers, poor pollination, or low temperatures during bloom. The lack of flowers is often due to the age of the tree. After planting, most dwarf and semi-dwarf apple trees don’t flower and bear fruit for 3 to 5 years.

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Can apple grow in tropical area?

It is a shock to many people that yes, apples can be grown in a tropical climate, and have been grown by the millions for decades. You still must be choosy about which varieties to plant, and the tree will act much different than in a cold climate, but the end result is crisp, juicy, tasty apples.

Can apples grow in Malaysia?

Many temperate fruit cultivars have been introduced to the highland areas in Malaysia. The cultivars which are suitable for the wet humid tropical highland conditions are Granny Smith and Rome Beauty. Other potential cultivars include Gala, Mutsu, Orin, and Fuji.

Can I grow apples in Goa?

Apple cultivation on this pattern has been successfully tried at many places in Karnataka, Maharashtra, Goa and Kerala. Now, thousands of new trees are being planted in these areas.

Why are apples so difficult to grow?

Apples can be one of the more difficult fruits to grow. The trees and fruits have high susceptibility to both diseases such as fire blight, scab and brown spot, as well as insect infestations. Even nursery grow trees are fairly high maintenance.

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Which part of India is famous for apple farming?

In India, it is mostly grown in Kashmir, hills of Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh. Apple cultivation also extended to Nagaland, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, and Meghalaya. Apples are mostly consumed as fresh fruit but a small part of the production is processed into jellies, juices, canned slices, candies.

How hard is it to get new apple varieties?

Up to ten percent of an orchard can be pollinators, and most today are crabapple trees. Together, this all means that getting the new apple varieties that growers want can be tricky. It’s a long and expensive process.

What are the different varieties of apple trees in India?

Below listed are some of the commercially cultivated varieties of Apples in India. Florina, Macfree, Nova Easy Grow, Prima, Priscilla, Sir Prize, Jonafree, Coop 12, Coop 13 (Redfree), Firdous, Nova Mac, Liberty, Freedom, Shireen.