Useful tips

Can you be smart and depressed?

Can you be smart and depressed?

Studies have also found that higher IQ is associated with more mental illness, including depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder.

Do geniuses suffer from depression?

For decades, scientists have known that eminently creative individuals have a much higher rate of manic depression, or bipolar disorder, than does the general population.

What are signs of extreme intelligence?

Positive signs of high intelligence

  • Good memory and thinking ability.
  • Good attitude and hard-working nature.
  • General and Tacit Knowledge.
  • Good language proficiency and reasoning skills.
  • Reliable decision-making.
  • Trusted by others.
  • High Creativity.
  • High Achievements.

Do Overthinkers have high IQ?

Constant rumination could be a sign of intelligence. Other research also suggests that high-strung or anxious individuals may have a higher IQ than those who have milder anxiety symptoms, Slate reported.

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Do antidepressants affect intelligence?

“Perhaps we should be a bit more cautious than we are at the moment, about who we use antidepressants for. We need more research.” He notes, however, that SSRI’s have been in use for some 25 years and there is no evidence of brain damage or a negative impact on intellectual capacity.

Are geniuses obsessive?

They have a passion for perfection. The most important thing to know about true genius, Isaacson said, is that it’s not simply analogous to intellect. If they think different,” Isaacson said. One of these differences is that geniuses–Steve Jobs is a great example–tend to be obsessive perfectionists.

Does depdepression feel the same to everyone?

Depression does not feel the same to everyone. Some of these answers are total opposites from others, too. And that’s what we hoped for – because we want you all to know that your depression does not have to fit under one definition, and certainly does not have to mimic the script of a two minute TV commercial.

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What does it feel like to have depression?

Depression may feel like: There’s no pleasure or joy in life. A person with depression may not enjoy things they once loved and may feel like nothing can make them happy. Concentration or focus becomes harder.

Why is it so hard to identify depression?

However, despite its prevalence, depression isn’t always easy to identify. Symptoms and causes of depression can vary widely from person to person. Gender may also play an important role in why a person is affected by depression, and what it feels like to them. It can be hard to explaining how depression feels to someone who has not experienced it.

What do doctors look for when diagnosing depression?

Doctors will usually look for symptoms that have lasted at least 2 weeks as possible signs of depression. Depression may feel like: There’s no pleasure or joy in life. A person with depression may not enjoy things they once loved and may feel like nothing can make them happy.