Useful tips

Can you date someone on your ship in the Navy?

Can you date someone on your ship in the Navy?

Yes, *sailors* aboard ships are allowed to date each other, with the following restrictions: They cannot be officer and enlisted – that’s a big part of the fraternization policy that has been mentioned in other answers.

Can you have a relationship on a Navy ship?

Romantic relationships are pretty common on ships in the Navy. However sex at sea is far less common, though it can and does happen. I call it ‘coupling’ and I see it all the time. Its common among junior sailors, who can more openly pursue these endeavors.

How do you date in the Navy?

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13 tips for dating on a US Navy ship

  1. Forget about dating on a small ship.
  2. Keep your distance.
  3. Never date in your division.
  4. If the person you’re seeing is in the same division, volunteer for TAD (Temporary Additional Duty).
  5. Share no more than one meal per day.
  6. Pass notes like you’re freakin’ teenagers.

What do I need to know about dating in the Navy?

11 Things You Should Know About Dating a Military Man

  • They seem unpredictable.
  • They can’t always be your first call.
  • They don’t beat around the bush.
  • They have some awesome stories.
  • He’ll be pretty worldly.
  • He’s defensive about you.
  • He’s disciplined.
  • He’ll appreciate your strength.

Where does the Navy get stationed?

The vast majority of Navy deployments are at sea on Naval ships and submarines, though there are many deployments since 9-11 that allow for Navy personnel to deploy to various ports and bases around the world and in combat zones filling joint military billets.

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Can soldiers have relationships with other soldiers?

Military regulations chiefly regulate against dating between two soldiers of different ranks. Military policy in all branches prohibits all kinds of fraternization between soldiers of different grades; while the prohibited relationship is officer/enlisted solider, it also applies to any two different grades of soldier.

Are soldiers allowed to have relationships?

There are no laws governing military marriage. Military members can marry whomever they want, including same-sex partners.

Is it hard to date someone in the Navy?

Dating someone in any branch of the military can be difficult. The travel, the communication, the strain on the relationship, and trying to understand their world, can only complicate matters further.

What are the military regulations for dating in the military?

Military regulations chiefly regulate against dating between two soldiers of different ranks. The U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines all have regulations in place prohibiting this activity as a kind of fraternization.

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Can you date two different ranks in the military?

Soldiers of Different Ranks Military regulations chiefly regulate against dating between two soldiers of different ranks. The U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines all have regulations in place prohibiting this activity as a kind of fraternization.

How many days off do you get in the Navy?

Enlisted Sailors and Officers enjoy generous vacation time in the Navy. Sailors earn 30 days of paid leave each year, plus federal holidays. If they don’t take all 30 days in one year, they can accumulate up to 60 days to use in the future

What happens if you stay in the Navy past your first enlistment?

Naturally, if they stay in the Navy past their first enlistment (or if they request a specific assignment) they may have to move again. Enlisted Sailors and Officers enjoy generous vacation time in the Navy.