Useful tips

Can you have a blank gun in your car?

Can you have a blank gun in your car?

BLANK GUNS ARE NOT TOYS! Do not carry your blank gun in public. It should NEVER be carried on the street, hidden on your person, or left carelessly in your car. Do not leave it where it is accessible to unsupervised children or irresponsible adults.

Can you keep a shotgun in your car?

California law generally does not prohibit carrying an unloaded rifle or shotgun in a motor vehicle.

Can you have a gun rack in your truck?

A gun rack is legal anywhere in all 50 states. It’s only when you put guns in it that you may run into state level issues. In any state that allows open carry without a permit, gun racks with guns in them in your car are no problem.

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Can you get in trouble for shooting a blank gun?

If you do something like that and somebody dies, for any reason, you can be charged with anything from murder (even with using a blank gun) to reckless conduct to multiple counts of aggravated assault (possibly enhanced by using a firearm because blank firing guns fall under the category of being guns too) and end up …

Can I carry a loaded magazine in my pocket?

You can’t carry unless you are licensed by the state of California. California has no reciprocity with other states regarding carrying guns, except law enforcement. You may not have a loaded magazine. Weapons should be locked and in a separate container from ammunition, also locked.

How many rounds can you carry in California?

10 rounds
California’s ban took effect in 2000, making it illegal to buy or sell magazines that can hold more than 10 rounds. Another law, Proposition 63 — sponsored by then-Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom and approved by the voters in 2016 — would require anyone who owns the magazines to get rid of them.

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What states have laws against guns in trucks?

These states include Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and Wisconsin.

Is it legal to own a blank firing gun?

Blank firing guns are not necessarily legal. Blank guns are not, legally speaking, even firearms. Since this is the case, they are subject to the whim of local or state law, which may and often do regulate or even prohibit their use and ownership, and these laws vary greatly from locality to locality.

Can I lock up my firearm in the car?

For instance, a lot of employers have no problem with an employee locking up his or her firearm in the vehicle – so long as it’s not visible by any passersby. In general, that’s a fantastic idea from the get-go.

How dangerous are blank guns in movies?

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Afterthought: blank guns are not harmless. Can’t remember the actor’s name, but he was the son of martial arts legend Bruce Lee. He accidentally killed himself on the set of a movie he was filming when he placed a .44 Magnum revolver loaded with blanks to his temple and pulled the trigger.

Can you own a gun if you have a criminal record?

Yes you can but it depends upon which state you live in whether you can own it legally or not. In my opinion anyone can own a gun regardless of any prior conviction if that charge has been fully complied with such as time served or probation finished. I don’t care what the government says about it.