Useful tips

Can you learn 3 languages fluently?

Can you learn 3 languages fluently?

It Is Possible to Learn Multiple Languages But speaking them with a high level of proficiency and fluency is another matter. Gaining fluency in three or five languages is already a feat. While researching his book, Michael Erard went around the world and met with several polyglots.

What is an impressive language to learn?

1. Mandarin Chinese. With over one billion Mandarin Chinese speakers in the world, of course it tops the list of most important languages to learn in 2021.

Is learning a 3rd language easier?

They found that students who know two languages have an easier time gaining command of a third language than students who are fluent in only one language. Bilinguals find it easier to learn a third language, as they gain a better aptitude for languages, a new study from the University of Haifa reveals.

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What’s the most beautiful language?

And the most beautiful languages in the world are…


How many languages do you need to be a polyglot?

How many languages do you need to know to be a polyglot? A polyglot is a person that speaks more than two languages. How do polyglots learn a language? Among many methods]

Are You an aspiring polyglot?

Whether you’re an aspiring polyglot or can already speak multiple languages, you probably have some serious language learning goals. You probably also know that those goals can’t be reached overnight. Polyglots, people who are wise in the ways of foreign tongues, are uniquely dedicated people.

How did Conor Clyne become a polyglot?

Conor Clyne is another Irish polyglot who came out of the school system knowing very little about effective language learning methods. School was so awful he even had trouble with his first language. But ten years on, we find him fluent in French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Russian, Romanian and Catalan. How exactly did he do it?

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What is the polyglot dream?

The Polyglot Dream is a terrific resource by native Italian Luca Lampariello who is fluent in ten languages. He is on a mission to show people how to learn languages, based on his experience of learning entirely in his home country, not through travel to foreign destinations.