Useful tips

Can you liquify gunpowder?

Can you liquify gunpowder?

Gunpowder, aka blackpowder is about 10\% charcoal, mostly carbon, that cannot be liquified. Modern nitro powders dissolve in some organic solvents. That is part of their manufacturing process. While in liquid, solution, form they are not explosive.

What happens when you mix water and gunpowder?

Worse, black powder can be permanently ruined by water. This is because it’s a mixture of saltpeter (potassium nitrate, KNO3), sulfur, and charcoal, and saltpeter is water-soluble. If you get it wet enough, the saltpeter can be completely washed out of the mixture.

What liquid makes gunpowder explode?

Potassium nitrate, also known as ‘saltpetre’, or ‘saltpeter’, decomposes at high temperature to provide oxygen for the reaction. This means that gunpowder doesn’t need to be exposed to air to burn – and is why smothering fireworks won’t stop them burning!

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Why is gunpowder used as the explosive in firearms?

Ignition of gunpowder packed behind a projectile generates enough pressure to force the shot from the muzzle at high speed, but usually not enough force to rupture the gun barrel. It thus makes a good propellant, but is less suitable for shattering rock or fortifications with its low-yield explosive power.

Is ammo still good if it gets wet?

Due to the construction of the cartridge, even limited exposure to the elements can result in moisture damage. If you drop your rimfire cartridge in the snow or it gets wet in the rain, it should not be used. Possible deterioration and damage to cartridges due to drying methods as well as a safety risk.

Can black powder be dried?

Black Powder is very usable when dried out. There are methods of making Black Powder that use a wet slurry in the process and then the finished product is dried out.

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What is meant by black powder?

Definition of black powder : an explosive mixture of potassium nitrate or sodium nitrate, charcoal, and sulfur used especially in fireworks and as a propellant in antique firearms — compare gunpowder.

How far can bullets penetrate water?

Typical bullets can travel just a few feet through the water before they’re slowed to a stop. CAV-X bullets can reportedly travel 60 meters underwater, and can go through 2 centimeters of steel fired from 17 meters away, indicating that it could even be used to penetrate submarines.

Why do guns use low explosives instead of high explosives?

The sequential/slower combustion of these low explosives works well for guns and artillery because too rapid an explosion could cause the weapon itself to blow up. The slow reaction allows the gases to build up pressure and smoothly fire the bullet from the gun. Gun powder and fireworks are the most common low explosives.

What are the characteristics of explosive materials?

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EXPLOSIVES DEFINITIONS 1. An explosive substance is a solid or liquid substance (or mixture of substances) which is in itself capable by chemical reaction of producing gas at such a temperature and pressure and at such a speed as to cause damage to the surroundings. Pyrotechnic substances are included even when they do not evolve gases.

What do you mean by explosive substance?

1. An explosive substance is a solid or liquid substance (or mixture of substances) which is in itself capable by chemical reaction of producing gas at such a temperature and pressure and at such a speed as to cause damage to the surroundings. Pyrotechnic substances are included even when they do not evolve gases.

What is the difference between pyrotechnic and explosive?

A pyrotechnic substance is a substance or mixture of substances designed to produce an effect by heat, light, sound, gas or smoke or a combination of these as the result of non-detonative self-sustaining exothermic chemical reactions. An explosive article is an article containing one or more explosive substances.