Useful tips

Can you live in Hong Kong and work in Shenzhen?

Can you live in Hong Kong and work in Shenzhen?

Yes. Mainly because prices in Shenzhen are much lower than that in Hong Kong, especially for houses and apartments. Besides, the housing in Shenzhen is not only cheaper, but also better. You can live in a much larger apartment while paying lower rent.

Why do people live in cage homes in Hong Kong?

Generally, the residents are low-income people, including the elderly, drug addicts, and some low-skilled or unskilled labourers. Reports from the Legislative Council of Hong Kong found that the people who lived in cage homes were those who did not qualify for social welfare, or subsidised rent or electricity.

How many Hong Kongers live in cage homes?

Nearly 200,000 people in Hong Kong are currently living in sub-divided units (SDUs), colloquially known as “cage homes”, according to the latest Thematic Household Survey Report published by the Census and Statistics Department on Thursday.

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Can mainland Chinese move to Hong Kong?

Chinese nationals with hukou in Mainland China are required to obtain an entry permit from the Public Security Bureau for any type of visit to Hong Kong (Two-way Permit required for short visits and long visits, or One-way Permit for settlement), as well as an entry endorsement (similar to a visa) for the purpose of …

Is living in Shenzhen expensive?

In 2019, Lonely Planet ranked Shenzhen as second in the world in the list of top 10 cities to visit. Shenzhen has a slightly higher cost of living than most cities in China but it is cheaper than 67\% of cities in the world.

Are there still cage homes in Hong Kong?

More than 20\% of the Hong Kong population, which is almost 1.5 million people, live below the poverty line. There are so-called dorms in these cage homes for them. The poor literally live in cages where they keep their modest belongings. Living in these terrible conditions still costs them about $180-200 per month.

Why is Hong Kong housing so expensive?

Over the past two decades, Ip said, Hong Kong has not implemented large-scale land development plans, causing the supply of land available for development to peter out. The dearth of new land is the fundamental cause of Hong Kong’s awkward housing issue, characterized by being expensive, small and crowded.

How big are cage homes in Hong Kong?

Cage homes cost between HK$1,800 and HK$2,400 per month. They are, on average, two metres long and one metre wide, said Sze Lai-shan, a social worker with the Society for Community Organisation (SoCo). Cubicles can be a little bigger, and are 30 to 50 square feet and cost between HK$1,800 and HK$3,500.

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Why do people move from China to Hong Kong?

Political disputes, among other factors such as cramped living spaces, have pushed the people of Hong Kong to consider migration. According to a Chinese University of Hong Kong survey conducted in September 2020, 44 per cent of respondents indicated they would emigrate if they had the chance.

Can Chinese citizens live in Hong Kong?

Hong Kong permanent residents do not have automatic residence or employment rights in mainland China. The central government issues Home Return Permits to residents who are Chinese citizens for travel purposes and Residence Permits if they intend to reside or work in the mainland for longer than six months.

Is Shenzhen clean?

Shenzhen, once known for spewing out dark clouds of toxic smoke, has done much to clean up and transformed into China’s most sustainable city, according to several research reports. In less than a decade, Shenzhen has reduced its average air pollution by around 50 per cent, according to city authorities.

Are Hong Kong’s poor living in tiny wire cages?

Thousands of poor people in Hong Kong are living in tiny, wire cage homes — and they’re actually paying quite dearly for the privilege. Hong Kong is one of the wealthiest cities in Asia, yet you’ll find hundreds of thousands of people living in what the government calls “inadequate housing” — which for some means tiny wire cages.

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How much does it cost to buy a cage home in Hong Kong?

An extended housing crisis has put the possibility of purchasing a home out of the reach of many — and has made the cage home a reality for Hong Kong’s poorest. Incredibly, the 16-square-foot cages rent for around $170-$190 USD, which if calculated by cost per square foot makes them more expensive than the most posh apartments in Hong Kong.

Why do people in Hong Kong live in cubicle houses?

Only 7\% of its island is zoned for housing, thus leading Hongkongers to live in very condensed urban areas. As we mentioned previously, the skyrocketing of housing costs is considered to be the first explanation for the increase of people renting cubicle houses.

What is a cage home?

Cage homes are minuscule rooms lived in by the poorest people in the city. Over the last 10 years, the number of cage homes made of wire mesh has decreased, but they’ve been replaced by beds sealed with wooden planks. Facebook Twitter Pinterest. These small, wooden boxes of 15 sq ft, are known as ‘coffin cubicles’.