Useful tips

Can you make a movie with the same name as another movie?

Can you make a movie with the same name as another movie?

Yes. You will have to buy the copyright of that movie before you can use it. But you can change the name a bit and use it like “The last Godfather” will be a legal name(just an example).

What is it called when you ruin a movie?

single-word-requests. When someone reveals details about surprising events which will happen in a movie or book to someone who doesn’t know about them, we nowadays say that’s a ‘spoiler.

Can different movies have the same title?

Can movie titles be reused?

How is that legal? Have you seen The Art of the Steal? Reusing movie titles happens all the time, mostly because copyright law generally does not protect words or short phrases and titles of one-off or “single work” films (as opposed to a series or movie franchise), generally are not protected by federal trademark law.

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Can movie titles be trademarked?

Typically, copyright and trademark law do not protect movie titles. Because most movie titles simply describe movies rather than help identify their source (for example, the producing studio), they typically do not qualify for trademark protection.

Can you name your movie after a song?

The Copyright Act states that names, titles, short phrases and expressions cannot be registered in the U.S. Copyright Office. It may not have been a movie title, but a title for a song or a name of a famous person or even a brand of toilet paper. Titles cannot be protected by copyright.

What is spoil movie?

A spoiler is usually defined as a remark or piece of information which reveals important plot elements (for example the ending or a major plot twist), thus ‘spoiling’ a surprise and robbing the viewer of the suspense and enjoyment of the film.

When can you spoil a movie?

That said, if they had asked for longer than a three-day silence, the embargo would have crumbled. So: when is it OK to spoil a film or TV show? The answer is after between three to five days, unless informed otherwise.

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Why do films have 2 names?

If you’re not referring to different release names, then the different names are actually working titles for the movies. Movies, usually have working titles, sometimes for secrecy (to contain leaks about the actual project), sometimes for the simple reason that a release name has not been decided.

Why do some movies have two titles?

You see, some movies earned such bad reputations before they completed their run across the country (nationwide releases were rare in the 1950s because they couldn’t afford to strike enough prints of the film), and so sometimes exhibitors would change the title of a film to fool audiences into thinking it was a …

Can I trademark a movie title?

Trademarking a movie title Movies are protected by copyright law and many countries accept that any film titles, slogans or other short works may also be protected by copyright if they are original.

Can I trademark a title?

It is important to understand that not all book titles can be trademarked. In fact, most book titles cannot be trademarked. Trademarks are designed to identify the source of goods and services. While the law does not allow for a trademark on an individual book title, an author can trademark a series of books.