Useful tips

Can you visit Buddhist monks?

Can you visit Buddhist monks?

Visitors who are respectful and aware of the rules will always be welcome. You might also find it helpful to learn about the specific dos and don’ts that apply to one of Southeast Asia’s Buddhist-majority countries and read up on etiquette for visitors to Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Myanmar.

Can you stay at a Buddhist monastery?

Allow yourself to stay at a Buddhist monastery and be guided by the monks towards peace and solitude through various meditational practices. While conversing with the monks, you can also learn about Buddhist culture and their way of life. Stay in a Buddhist monastery to experience this retreat.

Can you touch a Buddhist monk?

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Buddha statues or images should never be photographed, or interacted with in a disrespectful way. Buddhist monks may never touch (or be touched by) a unrelated women. When visiting a temple, tourists need to remove their shoes and dress conservatively. Women should avoid wearing sleeveless shirts or dresses.

Do Tibetan monks marry?

Buddhists monks choose not to marry and remain celibate while living in the monastic community. This is so that they can focus on achieving enlightenment . Monks do not have to spend the rest of their life in the monastery – they are completely free to re-enter mainstream society and some only spend a year as a monk.

Where can I go to learn Buddhism?

Meditation and Retreat Centers

  • Abhayagiri Monastery.
  • Dharma Ocean.
  • The Garrison Institute.
  • Insight Meditation Society.
  • Karma Triyana Dharmachakra.
  • Karmê Chöling.
  • Namgyal Monastery Institute of Buddhist Studies.
  • Sakya Monastery.

Can you visit monks in Thailand?

Monks are usually friendly to tourists. Ones who aren’t too shy may ask to practice English with you.

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Can a Buddhist monk touch a woman?

Monks are forbidden from touching or coming close to women’s bodies, because it is believed that a woman’s body is contrary to a monk’s vows.

What to do in a Tibetan monastery?

Full of loud statements, hand clapping, and extravagant gestures, they are one of the most interesting parts of a visit to any monastery. In many monasteries in Tibet, you can watch the debates in the afternoons, held in special debating areas that are usually courtyards, orchards or grass lawns with shady trees.

What do Tibetan monks learn in debate?

In the learning and study of debate, the monks cover all of the main topics of the Tibetan methods of debate, as well as the teachings of developing wisdom. Combined with training in logic, a student learns how to clearly analyze and understand the teachings of Buddha.

What is the history of Buddhism in Tibet?

At the first introduction of Buddhism in Tibet, during the 7th century reign of King Songtsen Gampo, Buddhism was not taken in widely, and was mainly found to be centered in the royal court. It was almost a century later that it took a stronger hold in the region, during the reign of King Trisong Detsen, in the 8th century.

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What is Sera Monastery in Lhasa?

Sera Monastery in Lhasa, the Holy City of Tibetan Buddhism, is one of the most famous of all the debating monasteries. The monastery is one of the Three Great monasteries of Tibetan Buddhism, and is dedicated to the Gelugpa sect. Monasteries in Tibet were traditionally the center of Tibetan life, and still are in a lot of ways.