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Can zero work be done even if force is applied How?

Can zero work be done even if force is applied How?

If your cos theta is zero i.e. your force applied and displacement thus produced are perpendicular then work done in zero. Yes, work done can be zero even if force acts on the body. For example- If a person applies a force of 100 N on a wall but it doesn’t move at all, work done is zero. Hence proved.

When the angle between force and displacement is greater than 90 degree the work done is?

Work is scalar product of force and displacement. theta is angle between force and displacement. Since cos 90 = 0, therefore work done is zero.

Is work done when a brief case is lifted up and being carried horizontally?

No work. An object moves but not force is applied, so there is no change in motion. No change in kinetic energy either then.

How is work done zero?

Zero work is done when the displacement of a body is zero or perpendicular (θ=900,cosθ=0) to the direction of force applied, then work done is zero. For example, if a person tries to push a wall, he is applying force yet the wall does not move, so the displacement of the wall is zero, and hence work done is zero.

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When we say that the work done by applied force is zero give one example?

1) A simple example of zero work is when you stand holding a bag in your hands and do not move it. Your hands apply a force on the bag to balance the force of gravity exerted on it but since there is no displacement of the bag, the work done on it by you (your force) and also the gravity is zero.

How can the work done be measured when force is applied at an angle to the direction of displacement?

ii) is at the angle to the direction of displacement. That is equal to Force x Displacement of the point of application of the force in the direction of force. ii) Work done by a force when the force is at an angle θ to the direction of displacement , = Force x component of displacement in the direction of force.

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When angle is acute less than 90 degree work done is?

Work done by a force will be zero when either θ = 90° or S = 0 i.e., if there is no displacement. Hence, work done will be zero if either angle (θ) between applied force (F) and the displacement (S) is 90° or the body does not move under the application of force.

When the angle () between the force and displacement is obtuse ie 90 180 The work done is?

Whenever angle (theta) between the force and the displacement is obtuse, i.e., 90^∘ < theta < 180^∘ , the work done is negative.

How do you find force with work and displacement?

Explanation: The formula for work is W=F×d , where W is work in N⋅m , which are the same as Joules (J) , F is force in Newtons, and d is displacement in meters.

What is the maximum work done by a given force?

The maximum work is done by a given force when it is along the direction of the displacement ( cosθ = ±1 cos θ = ± 1 ), and zero work is done when the force is perpendicular to the displacement ( cosθ = 0 cos θ = 0 ). The units of work are units of force multiplied by units of length, which in the SI system is newtons times meters, N⋅m.

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When force and displacement are at an angle of 90 degrees?

But when force and displacement are at an angle of 90 degrees, the work done is said to be zero. Energy is defined as the ability of an object to do work. Joules is the unit of energy.

How much force does it take to lift a 15-newton block?

To lift a 15-Newton block at constant speed, 15-N of force must be applied to it (Newton’s laws). Thus, 7. A student with a mass of 80.0 kg runs up three flights of stairs in 12.0 sec. The student has gone a vertical distance of 8.0 m. Determine the amount of work done by the student to elevate his body to this height.

Can work done by a force be negative or positive?

As a result, the work done by a force can be positive, negative, or zero, depending on whether the force is generally in the direction of the displacement, generally opposite to the displacement, or perpendicular to the displacement.