Useful tips

Could a tiger bite through plate armor?

Could a tiger bite through plate armor?

Full plate armor with underlying chain mail will almost surely defeat tiger claws and teeth though tigers do attack joints and he might toss you around enough that he was able to bite down on a chain only area and crush the underlying tissue. This could be devastating.

Can a knight defeat a lion?

A knight has very little chance. Lions strangle their prey by squeezing the neck with jaws, while lying on top of it. So, full armor wouldn’t be much help and due to some encumbrance/reduced joint flexibility, would hurt your near-zero chances.

Does armor work against animals?

Dressing in a coat of armour doesn’t just protect an animal against the physical attacks of predators, but also helps prevent invasions from parasites. However, some species use their body armour to go on the offensive.

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Could you fight a bear in armor?

Not a chance. The bear doesn’t have to penetrate the armor. The blunt force trauma a large bear can generate slamming around a human in a steel suit is way beyond anything the person in the suit can endure.

Could a knight fight a bear?

The knight may be able to take on a smaller European bear. But not with a sword. He would be equipped with this. Similar to a spear for hunting wild boar, the bear spear was equipped with phalanges at the neck of the blade to keep the bear at a distance.

Could a bear bite through plate armor?

The bear doesn’t have to penetrate the armor. The blunt force trauma a large bear can generate slamming around a human in a steel suit is way beyond anything the person in the suit can endure. There’s also the slight problem of the bear getting a good bite on the helmet.

Can a bear bite through plate armor?

Can a bear bite through steel?

It is possible for a bear to rip its way through the aluminum sheet metal and bend everything else out of the way, but they will generally take the path of least resistance.