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Could space shuttle launch from the 747?

Could space shuttle launch from the 747?

One is a 747–100 model, while the other is a short range 747-100SR. The SCAs were used to ferry Space Shuttles from landing sites back to the Shuttle Landing Facility at the Kennedy Space Center….

Shuttle Carrier Aircraft
Developed from Boeing 747–100

Can the space shuttle take off from a runway?

It absolutely can not take off like a normal plane. It would require LARGE engines to do that. It does have a fuel tank for the reentry rockets and maneuvering jets. However, those do not provide anything close to takeoff speeds.

What was the worst space shuttle landing?

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Easily, the worst shuttle landing was Enterprise’s landing on the fifth and final ALT (Approach and Landing Test) flight on 26 October 1977. Coming in slightly fast, Enterprise missed the intended touchdown point, landed long, bounced back into the air, then started to roll before the crew brought her back down safely.

Is a space shuttle bigger than a plane?

The height of the full shuttle stack, including the external fuel tank, is 184.2 feet. Gross weight is 4.5 million pounds at liftoff. That’s almost four times as weighty as the heaviest airplane ever built, the 1.2-million-pound Russian An-225 airplane.

Can space shuttles fly like airplanes?

The Space Shuttle flies as a glider during reentry and landing. During ascent, thrust is provided by the three Space Shuttle Main Engines (SSME’s) at the base of the orbiter and the two Solid Rocket Boosters (SRB’s) that are joined to the orange External Fuel Tank (ET).

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How much does the Endeavor space shuttle weigh?

Space Shuttle Endeavour

Dry mass 78,000 kilograms (172,000 lb)
Rocket Space Shuttle
First flight May 7–16, 1992 STS-49

Do they reuse space shuttles?

All of the components are reused except for the external fuel tank, which burns up in the atmosphere after each launch. The longest the Shuttle has stayed in orbit on any single mission is 17.5 days on mission STS-80 in November 1996. Normally, missions may be planned for anywhere from five to 16 days in duration.

What happened to the Boeing 747 during the Space Shuttle mission?

While first-class seats were kept for NASA passengers, its main cabin and insulation were stripped, and the fuselage was strengthened. Mounting struts were added on top of the 747, located to match the fittings on the Shuttle that attach it to the external fuel tank for launch.

What is the difference between a 747 and a 747-100SR?

One is a 747-100 model, while the other is a short range 747-100SR. The SCAs were used to ferry Space Shuttles from landing sites back to the Shuttle Landing Facility at the Kennedy Space Center.

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What kind of planes do they fly in the Space Shuttle?

Shuttle Carrier Aircraft. The Shuttle Carrier Aircraft (SCA) are two extensively modified Boeing 747 airliners that NASA used to transport Space Shuttle orbiters. One is a 747-100 model, while the other is a short range 747-100SR.

What was the first Space Shuttle to land under its own control?

In approach and landing test flights conducted in 1977, the test shuttle Enterprise was released from an SCA during flight and glided to a landing under its own control. The Lockheed C-5 Galaxy was considered for the shuttle-carrier role by NASA, but rejected in favor of the 747.