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Did Abhimanyu break chakravyuh?

Did Abhimanyu break chakravyuh?

After his father’s return Abhimanyu married Uttarā, the princess of Matsya. On the thirteenth day of the war, the mightiest Kaurava warriors came together and formed the Chakravyuha, the young Abhimanyu was able to penetrate it, but could never make his way out, and was slain inside it, fighting them all alone.

Why did Krishna not teach Abhimanyu chakravyuh?

Abhimanyu’s life longevity was known to Shri Krishna. Hence, he allowed Abhimanyu to hear the conversation between Arjuna and Subhadra up until entering or breaking into the Padma Vyuha or Chakravyuha. Hence, Abhimanyu had no knowledge of this.

Who knew breaking Chakravyuh in Mahabharata?

Guru Drona, Son Ashwatthama, Arjuna and Lord Krishna knew how to break, in and out of Chakravyuha.

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How old was Abhimanyu when he married Uttara?

Since Pandavas wanted to have an ongoing relationship with king Virata, they agreed to fix the marriage of Abhimanyu with Virata’s daughter Uttara, when he was just a teenager (16-18 year old).

Why does Abhimanyu tell Yudhishthira to break the Chakravyuha?

Abhimanyu thus tells Yudhishthira that he knows how to break into the Chakravyuha but doesn’t know how to escape out of it and so they must come back to get him. Krishna on the other side of the war tries to keep Arjuna away from the Charkravyuha as according to one of the theories he wants to get rid of the curse on him and thus Abhimanyu.

How did Abhimanyu get trapped in the Vyuha?

Soon Drona closed the Chakra breach quickly and Abhimanyu was trapped inside the Vyuha. Abhimanyu was eventually surrounded by the mightiest of the Kaurava warriors who were also his uncles and cousins.

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Did Guru Dronacharya know how to breach the Chakravyuh that Krishna created?

It is said that Lord Krishna took Arjuna for a discussion immediately after and Arjuna never got to completing that narration in peacetime. So, effectively, only two people in the Universe knew how to breach the Chakravyuh that Guru Dronacharya was expert at creating.

Why did Lord Krishna try to keep Arjuna away from charkravyuha?

Krishna on the other side of the war tries to keep Arjuna away from the Charkravyuha as according to one of the theories he wants to get rid of the curse on him and thus Abhimanyu. Abhimanyu then sets out to breach the great wonder, Chakravyuha along with the other Pandava warriors.