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Did elves eat the petty Dwarves?

Did elves eat the petty Dwarves?

Yes, the Elves did indeed eat petty-Dwarves, which is where the term “Petit Fours” was derived (Petit = Petty, Fours being the dwarves’ height in feet). And after all, Petit Fours are an appetizer, and thus would be the original “finger food”.

What is another name for Dwarves in Lord of the Rings?

The Dwarves called themselves Khazâd in their own language, Khuzdul. In reality, Tolkien took the names of twelve of the thirteen dwarves he used in The Hobbit (and the wizard Gandalf’s name) from the Old Norse Völuspá.

Are Hobbits Petty Dwarves?

The Petty-dwarves were a diminutive race of Dwarves. Petty-dwarves differed from normal Dwarves in various ways: they were smaller, far more unsociable, and they freely gave away their names: other Dwarves kept their Khuzdul names and language a secret….

Origins Exiles from the eastern Dwarf-cities

Who were the Petty-dwarves?

The Petty-dwarves were created from remnant ideas based on the Nauglath in Tolkien’s earliest writings in the The Book of Lost Tales. They were more or less created to explain the difference between the dwarves later writings such as The Hobbit in comparison to the Wicked dwarves from his earlier stories which he hadn’t yet completely abandoned.

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What is the difference between a dwarf and a petty dwarf?

They differed from normal dwarves in various ways: they were smaller, far more unsociable, and they freely gave away their names; other dwarves kept their Khuzdul names and language a secret. The Petty-dwarves were dwarves of several houses, which had been exiled for reasons unknown in very ancient times during the Peace of Arda.

Are the Petty-dwarves and naugrims the same thing?

However, some of the ideas of the Nauglath were reincorporated into the Naugrim (Dwarves) by J.R.R. Tolkien or his son in the published Silmarillion and separate from the Petty-dwarves (such as the history of Belegost and Nogrod, and the Sack of Doriath events).

Where do the dwarves in The Hobbit get their names?

All the dwarf names from the Hobbit are taken from that source as well as the name of Gandalf. Some other names, such as Gimli (meaning shelter from fire), and Harlan are taken from the Icelandic language, but not from Völuspá. Only a few Dwarves in the works of Tolkien have original names in Khuzdul. These include Azaghâl, and Telchar.