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Did Fred and George know about Harry and Ginny?

Did Fred and George know about Harry and Ginny?

Deathly Hallows makes it quite clear that the Weasleys either didn’t know about H/G, or they did, but hid it quite well. Fred and George would’ve teased Harry to no end, Mrs Weasley would’ve attempted to keep them apart, Bill or Mr Weasley might’ve butted in with some advice of sorts. But we see nothing of the sort.

Who is Fred Weasley’s best friend?

Fred and George Weasley are fictional characters in the Harry Potter book series written by J. K. Rowling.

  • While their best friend is Lee Jordan – their classmate, dormmate, and fellow prankster – the twins are also good friends with Harry, having played Quidditch with him for Gryffindor.
  • Who killed Mad-Eye Moody?

    Voldemort fired a Killing Curse the second that Mundungus disapparated, and hit Moody in the face. Moody fell backwards off his broom and down to the ground, and even if he survived the curse (which is almost impossible), Moody fell about one thousand feet with no wand, making his death a certainty.

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    What happened to Fred and George in Harry Potter?

    The mischievous Fred and George Weasley’s adventures didn’t end with the events of the books/movies, not even with the tragic loss of Fred. The end of Harry Potter’s saga proved to be bittersweet for the many fans who followed his journey at Hogwarts, answering our questions yet leaving us to bid adieu to our favorite characters.

    Are Fred and George Weasleys twins?

    Fred and George Weasley Fred and George Weasley were mischievous twin wizards born on 1 April, 1978 to Arthur Weasley and Molly Weasley (née Prewett). Although Fred was the oldest the two were both brilliant pranksters that co-founded and ran the joke shop Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes.

    Why did George Potter name his kids after Harry Potter’s twins?

    Of course, George and Angelina may have simply liked the name. George named his first child in honor of his lost twin, a theme that runs in many families in the Harry Potter series. Even Harry Potter named one of his kids “Albus Severus,” combining the names of two lost Hogwarts headmasters who gave their lives to save the wizarding world.

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    Did Fred and George Weasley know that Sirius Black had murdered Peter?

    Unless somebody was very familiar with the story of Sirius Black (and after all, Sirius was not Mr. and Mrs. Weasley’s best friend – indeed, they never knew him until after he escaped from Azkaban), Fred and George would be unlikely to know or remember that Peter Pettigrew was the person Sirius had (supposedly) murdered.