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Did Merry kill the Witch King?

Did Merry kill the Witch King?

Although altered in the movies, Merry’s sword in the books is far from ordinary. When Merry cuts the Witch-king, his blow is “breaking the spell that knit [the Witch-king’s] unseen sinews to his will,” which could be interpreted as opening the villain up to Éowyn’s finishing strike straight through the hood.

Who killed the Witch King in Lord of the Rings book?

As he is about to finish off the stricken king, Éowyn arrives and confronts him. The two duel briefly before Merry stabs the Witch-king in the leg, disabling him and allowing Éowyn to deliver the killing blow.

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How can Nazgul be killed?

The hobbit Merry stabs him with an ancient enchanted Númenórean blade, allowing Éowyn to kill him with her sword. The prophecy that the Lord of the Nazgûl would not die by the hand of man echoes that made of Macbeth in Shakespeare’s play.

Is Nazgûl a dragon?

The Nazguls are not dragons, nor are the fell beasts upon which they fly. This information is taken from the Lord of the Rings Wikia.

Is Merry Frodo’s cousin?

His grandfather Rorimac Brandybuck’s sister Primula was the mother of Frodo Baggins, the main protagonist of the book. Merry and Frodo were thus first cousins once removed.

What happened to merrymerry’s barrow-blade?

Merry’s Barrow-blade then burned away, a fate of any weapon that touched the Witch-king. Sam used his sword in the skirmish in the Chamber of Mazarbul in Moria to kill his first Orc.

What happened to the four daggers found with the hobbits?

They were buried in a barrow in Tyrn Gorthad along with the last prince of Cardolan, who fell in battle with Angmar in TA 1409. When Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin were imprisoned by a Wight, Tom Bombadil destroyed the Wight and found the four daggers for the hobbits among the stored treasure. He briefly told the hobbits of the origin of the blades.

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What happened to Sam Merry and Pippin’s swords?

Sam, Merry, and Pippin kept their swords. The blades carried by Merry and Pippin were taken and discarded when the two hobbits were captured by Uruk-hai at Amon Hen, but Aragorn saved them and they were returned when they were reunited at Isengard.

What is the point of the barrow-blade?

Merry’s Barrow-blade played a major role in the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, having been enchanted with the power to harm the Witch-king of Angmar himself by a weaponsmith of Arthedain long before.