Useful tips

Do all Muslims have to have Arabic names?

Do all Muslims have to have Arabic names?

Islam does not consider it an obligation for any new convert to Islam whose mother tongue is not Arabic to change it to an Arabic name or other language. Often he changed their names to Zaynab or the like such as Juwayriya (his wife). A number of men, like the companions known as ‘Abd Al-Rahman b.

Why do Muslims all have the same name?

It is the name of the most important person among Muslims, a name which all Muslims agree on it. One of the prime responsibilities of the parents is the selection of a name for the new-born child. They should not treat this important thing as a triviality. Individuals and families are recognized with their names.

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What impact did Islam have in the Indian subcontinent?

Islam gave the message of universal brotherhood, introduced equality in society, rejected caste system and untouchability. In due course, these ideas began to have a conscious or unconscious effect upon the philosophical Hindu mind and fostered the growth of liberal movements under religious reformers.

What did Arabs learn from the Indian?

They also learnt from Buddhist and Hindu philosophy, literature and religious ideals. The Sanskrit texts, the Brahma Siddhanta and the Khanda-Khadhyak were translated into Arabic language during the period of Khalifa Al-Mansur. The Arabs learnt the philosophy of Sanyas and Tapa from the Indians.

What was the impact of the introduction of Islam in India?

The Hindus to a great extent have adopted the thoughts and belief of Islam. The impact of Islam on Indian culture has been inestimable. It permanently influenced the development of all areas of human like language, dress, cuisine, all the art forms, architecture and urban design, and social customs and values.

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What did the Arabs called the Indian subcontinent?

when Arabs came to India they called Indian Subcontinent as Al-Hind and an Indian as Hindi or Hindu.

How did Arabs invade India?

The first Arab invasion of India was an expedition by sea to conquer Thana near Mumbai as early as 636 A.D. It was undertaken during the vigorous expansionist regime of the second Caliph, Umar-bin-Akhtab, who was on a proselytizing mission to spread Islam to all corners of the world.

What does the most abundant mean?

1 : existing or occurring in large amounts : ample abundant rainfall abundant food. 2a : marked by great plenty (as of resources) a fair and abundant land. b : amply supplied : abounding an area abundant with bird life.