Useful tips

Do I need to floss if I use interdental brushes?

Do I need to floss if I use interdental brushes?

Teeth brushing alone cleans 60\% of your tooth surfaces. Adding a flossing routine or using interdental brushes in addition to regular teeth brushing will help you better take care of your teeth and oral health in general.

Why do my gums bleed when I use interdental brushes?

When you first start using interdental brushes, your gums may bleed, they may also be tender as you start to remove any plaque build-up. Bleeding is a sign that the gums are not healthy, but this is completely normal if you have not cleaned in between your teeth in this way before.

How often should you use interdental brushes for braces?

once a day
Using an interdental brush once a day, in addition to regular tooth brushing, is an effective way to keep your teeth and gums healthy during orthodontic treatment. Interdental brushes come in different sizes and often you will need more than one brush to effectively clean in and around your teeth and braces.

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What happens if you never floss with braces?

BRUSH, FLOSS & RINSE The brackets and bands should remain bright and shiny and your gums should stay pink and firm. Failure to maintain good oral hygiene can lead to permanent white scars on your teeth, cavities/tooth decay, and gum disease or bone loss.

Which is better floss or interdental brush?

Under many situations, especially when the gaps between the teeth are troubling you, interdental brushes are a convenient option. They are easy to use and remove plaque very well. Research does show that these brushes provide better plaque removal than floss.

Which is best floss or interdental brushes?

Research does show that interdental brushes provide better plaque removal than floss. From the age of 12, as well as brushing twice daily, we recommend that you should clean between your teeth at least once a day, ensuring you keep a regular pattern so that you don’t miss any areas.

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Can you damage gums with interdental brush?

The bristles on the brush need to be soft so that they don’t damage your teeth and don’t irritate your gums.

Do interdental brushes cause black triangles?

Interdental brushes are often touted as an alternative to flossing but they have a downside cautions Dr Zybutz: ‘They tend to flatten the little “peaks” of gum between the teeth and create tiny black triangles that look unsightly, especially between your front teeth. ‘

Can interdental brushes damage gums?

How do you use an interdental brush with braces?

How To Use an Interdental Brush

  1. Move the appliance up and down on either side of the brackets.
  2. Pass the brush along the orthodontic wire when moving from one tooth to another, continuing to move it up and down.
  3. Rinse after each use.
  4. Replace the brush when it begins to look worn.