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Do other countries fly flags like USA?

Do other countries fly flags like USA?

No, out of all the countries I have visited, only USA display their flags as prominently. They are a lot of reasons and they include USA patriotism ( no country comes close to USA’s patriotic level).

Is it illegal to hang a foreign flag in the US?

The Flag Code requires that the US flag be flown on federal institutions, including public schools. It does not require you to fly the US flag and it does not forbid you from displaying a foreign flag.

Is it illegal to fly another countries flag in the US?

The simple answer, at least for private citizens on private property, a flag of another nation can be flown whenever the person so chooses. However, the Flag Code does not provide penalties, and while considered a guideline for properly displaying and respectful use of the U.S. flag, it is unenforceable.

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Can Texas flag fly as high as U.S. flag?

A lot of Texans at a young age learn the Texas state flag is allowed to fly at the same height as the U.S. flag because we were once an independent nation, the Republic of Texas. According to the code, if the flags are on the same pole, the U.S. flag must be on top, even in the Lone Star state.

Is it disrespectful to fly another country flag?

The simple answer, at least for private citizens on private property, a flag of another nation can be flown whenever the person so chooses. While displaying the flag of another country in a manner not outlined in the Flag Code may be offensive to some, it is generally considered to be a matter of free speech.

Is it disrespectful to fly the flag upside down?

While it is legal to express yourself in whatever way you so choose, it is disrespectful to fly an American flag upside down unless in a life-or-death situation, according to the United States Code.

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Is it illegal to tatter a US flag?

If people become lazy about replacing their worn-down flags, it’s not something punishable in a legal sense, but it’s seen as a moral offense. Those who choose not to dispose of their flags are the same ones who end up dealing with the unfortunate reprimands of seeing the Stars and Stripes wear into shreds.

Is it OK to fly American flag in the rain?

The flag should not be subject to weather damage, so it should not be displayed during rain, snow and wind storms unless it is an all-weather flag. It should be displayed often, but especially on national and state holidays and special occasions.