Useful tips

Do people from Argentina have blue eyes?

Do people from Argentina have blue eyes?

With regard to migratory processes, the presence of rs12913832-G allele can be attributed to migrations and, as a consequence, blue and green eyes in the Argentinian population, since these iris colors have the major occurrence among Europeans and individuals descending from them (Sturm and Frudakis, 2004.

Do Brazilian women have blue eyes?

Well, blue eyes in Brazil are indeed rare. I don’t know the exact statistics of its prevalence amongst the population, but I think it’s safe enough to say that blue eyes are a bit rare. Brazilians are a mixed people. Most people are descendants of indigenous peoples, Africans and Portuguese/Spanish.

How common is blonde hair in Latin America?

Blonde hair is present in 2.2\% and 21.3\%, of lower-class and upper-middle girls respectively whilst black hair is more common among lower-class girls (24.5\%) than upper-middle class ones (9.0\%).

Which country has the most blondes?

Scandinavian countries ie: Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland and Finland have the highest individuals with blonde hair and blue eyes.

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Is blonde hair rare in Spain?

No. Blonde and blue eyed Spaniards definitely exist, but they do not make the majority, therefore these traits are not “common” in Spain.

How common are blue eyes and blonde hair in Brazil?

In Brazil, as a whole, and particularly in more mestizo regions like the Northeast of the country, blue and green eyes are definitely much more common than natural blonde hair, with many people displaying light eyes, but brown or even black hair (several of my grand-aunts, for example).

Which countries have the most blondes and blue eyes?

Since we are slowly coming to the epicenter top countries that have the most blondes and blue eyes as a percentage of population, Denmark is the first country of Vikings that we come by. Viking stereotypes for being tall, strong, blond and blue-eyed are confirmed at least for the last two matters in the case of Denmark.

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How did Brazil get So Many Blondes?

The bulk of the “Caucasoid” colonization to Brazil (from Portugal, Italy, Spain, Lebanon/Syria) came from regions that already in Europe have only a minority (even if in some cases significant, on the order of 30\%, but in general only 10\% to 20\%) of natural blonde hair coupled with natural blue eyes.

Why do some people have blue eyes and blonde hair?

Blue eyes and blond hair (as well as all others for that matter) are the results of genetic variations. We all know those people whose eyes look nothing like their parents’, but there was some cousin or ancestor in their family that they resemble much to.