Useful tips

Do planes ever take a break?

Do planes ever take a break?

Aircraft typically take-off with their engines at full or almost full power. That means the rate of fuel consumption (e.g. gallons or pound per hour) is typically higher, often much higher, from take-off until the aircraft reaches an altitude where it either begins a cruise climb or when it reaches cruise altitude.

Do Commercial airplanes dump fuel before landing?

In most cases, airlines only dump air in midair immediately before landing. They don’t do it before or during takeoff, nor do they do it halfway through their flight. Rather, airlines may dump some of their airplane’s excess fuel immediately before landing so that it lowers the weight of their aircraft.

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Do Commercial airplanes land automatically?

To dispel the myth; the vast majority of commercial aircraft (including all Boeings and Airbus’) have no automatic take-off capability – all take-offs must be completed manually by the pilots with the auto-pilot usually engaged at around 1,000 ft above the ground.

How fast are commercial airplanes going when they land?

Big commercial airplanes generally fly in the 550-580 MPH range, but their landing and taking-off speeds are naturally going to be different. Most commercial planes take off at roughly 160 to 180 MPH, while landings take place at approximately 150 to 165 MPH.

How do commercial airplanes land?

In large transport category (airliner) aircraft, pilots land the aircraft by “flying the airplane on to the runway.” The airspeed and attitude of the plane are adjusted for landing. Reverse thrust is used by many jet aircraft to help slow down just after touch-down, redirecting engine exhaust forward instead of back.

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Do airplanes take off at full power?

For light aircraft, usually full power is used during takeoff. Large transport category (airliner) aircraft may use a reduced power for takeoff, where less than full power is applied in order to prolong engine life, reduce maintenance costs and reduce noise emissions.

Why do pilots have to prepare the autobraking system before landing?

For this reason, most pilots nowadays have to prepare the autobraking system before landing. After the aircraft has slowed down to an extent, the pilots switch to manual braking.

What do we never see on most commercial flights today?

Here are 10 things that we never see on most commercial flights today that were common in days of yore. 1. Sleeping Berths In the late 1940s, the Boeing Stratocruiser was described by the company as being “just like the magic carpet.”

What are the different types of aircraft brakes?

On any given modern aircraft, there are mainly three types of braking sources; ground spoilers, disc brakes, and thrust reversers. The three combined can provide the most potent braking effect post-landing. Although spoilers and wheel brakes are an integral part of any aircraft, thrust reversers are usually more common in airliners.

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How well do modern planes handle landings?

Although modern-day aircraft are capable of handling landings very well, there is almost some kind of uncertainty to it. A SWISS B777 landing at Hong Kong International Airport. Photo: Getty Images From the time the aircraft turns around and taxis to the active runway, everything seems normal.