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Do poor people work more hours than rich people?

Do poor people work more hours than rich people?

In reality, the gap between hours worked by the rich and poor is closing (see line, right axis). The rich are working slightly more hours, but the real story is the dramatic increase in the hours by the poor and middle-class that are not corresponding with higher wages.

What are the 10 causes of poverty?

10 Common Root Causes of Poverty

  • #1. Lack of good jobs/job growth.
  • #2: Lack of good education. The second root cause of poverty is a lack of education.
  • #3: Warfare/conflict.
  • #4: Weather/climate change.
  • #5: Social injustice.
  • #6: Lack of food and water.
  • #7: Lack of infrastructure.
  • #8: Lack of government support.

Do rich people really work harder?

Rich people don’t have to work hard. 44\% of the wealthy worked 11 hours more each week than the poor. 86\% of the wealthy who had full time jobs worked 50 hours or more each week, whereas 57\% of the poor who had full-time jobs worked less than 50 hours each week. 88\% of the wealthy took fewer sick days than the poor.

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Do poor people really not want to work?

One of the biggest myths about poverty in the US is that poor people don’t want to work. But in fact, most American adults living in poverty who can work do work. That is 10.7 million American adults between the ages of 18 and 64 who live in households earning below the poverty line working full or part time.

Why are some people rich and others poor?

On the fundamental question of why some people are rich and others are poor, more Americans point to the advantages they possess – or the obstacles they face – rather than their work ethic.

What percentage of Americans don’t have a job because of poverty?

In 2007, for instance, 6.4 percent of adults who lived under the poverty line and didn’t work in the past year said it was because they couldn’t find a job. As of 2012, the figure had more than doubled to a still-small 13.5 percent.

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Why are so many adults not able to work?

Caring for children and family members is a big reason why many adults cannot work. The cost of childcare has more than doubled in the last 25 years. Families living in poverty who use childcare spend 30\% of their income on it, compared to an average of only 8\% of the income of all families.