Useful tips

Does shower count as ghusl?

Does shower count as ghusl?

Ghusl or showering/bathing with ablution is essentially the same thing. Wash the entire body and make the intention to clean oneself to be in a state of ablution in order to offer salaah.

How do you perform ghusl without a shower?

You don’t need shower to have ghusl, you can put water in a big bucket and use small hand bucket to get water and pour on your body and clean your body as Sunnah way.

Can you do ghusl without soap?

In the case of acceptable ghusl, it is sufficient to do the obligatory parts of ghusl only, without doing any of the mustahabb or Sunnah actions.

Should we change clothes after ghusl?

Even if there is Secretions on it you can let it dry and remove it then wear your clothes. If there is urine, stool or blood on clothes then it must be washed up before wearing for prayers.

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What are the FARZ of ghusl?

Sunnah of Ghusl Washing both the hands up to the wrists. Wash the private parts with the left hand and remove dirt or filth from the body (using your left hand). Perform wudu (ablution). Pour water over the head three times, and rub the hair so that the water reaches the roots of the hair.

How do I perform wudu (ablution)?

To truly perform wudu, you should center yourself and quiet your thoughts, focusing seriously on what you are doing (intending to perform wudu (ablution)). Niyyah is not said out loud and should be made in the heart; focusing on the phrase “Bismillah” (in the name of Allah) is a good way to accomplish the necessary centering.

How can I Revise without turning into a research zombie?

By using some simple and effective revision techniques, you can keep yourself engaged with your studies without turning into a research zombie. Find a good place to study. Find a quiet, well-lit place to work that will be comfortable and free of distraction. Log-out or temporarily disable social media like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

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What is the best way to revise for GCSE English?

Revising Actively Engage your texts. Rather than simply reading quickly over the sometimes-dull texts you’ve got to study, take a more active role by making Q cards with your own questions on, 5 or so questions per card is appropriate and should cover all the information in the text. Recall and summarize.