Useful tips

How accurate is precision bombing?

How accurate is precision bombing?

These systems could provide an accuracy of about 100 yards radius, and were supplemented by the downward-looking radar system H2S. The US defined the target area as being a 1,000 ft (300 m) radius circle around the target point – for the majority of USAAF attacks only about 20\% of the bombs dropped struck in this area.

What was the plane used as a bomber escort to help protect them during their bombing runs?

P-38, also called Lightning, fighter and fighter-bomber employed by the U.S. Army Air Forces during World War II. A large and powerful aircraft, it served as a bomber escort, a tactical bomber, and a photo-reconnaissance platform.

Why did Germany not have heavy bombers?

Eventually, from the middle of 1944 the majority of the German long-range bombers were forced to remain on the ground: there was simply not enough fuel left to go round. The allied fighter bombers did the rest.

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How do Bombers aim?

A bombsight is a device used by military aircraft to drop bombs accurately. A bombsight has to estimate the path the bomb will take after release from the aircraft. The two primary forces during its fall are gravity and air drag, which make the path of the bomb through the air roughly parabolic.

How high could planes fly in WW2?

Most bombers operating during WW2 were flying at between 20,000 and 25,000 feet. Most German fighters were able to operate up to that altitude but fighting performance was usually dropped off from about 20,000 feet upwards.

What city was the target of American strategic bombing?

The Royal Air Force began bombing military targets in Germany, such as docks and shipyards, in March 1940, and began targeting Berlin in August 1940. In September 1940 the Luftwaffe began targeting British cities in the Blitz….The British later in the war.

City percent destroyed
Stettin 53\%
Stuttgart 46\%
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What was the size of the Luftwaffe?

Role Aerial warfare
Size Aircraft 119,871 (total production) Personnel 3,400,000 (total in service at any time for 1939–45)
Part of Wehrmacht
Engagements Spanish Civil War World War II