Useful tips

How can I cover 12th syllabus in 15 days?

How can I cover 12th syllabus in 15 days?

Preparation Tips for 12th Board Exams in 15 Days

  1. Avoid exam stress.
  2. Have positive vibes.
  3. Confidence.
  4. Time management.
  5. Write notes.
  6. Study method.
  7. Work on your weak points.
  8. New topics.

How can I cover Physics 12 syllabus in one month?

You can get the syllabus, previous year papers, and sample papers….Study Tips for Class 12 Students

  1. Use only main NCERT Textbooks.
  2. Avoid Distractions.
  3. Plan your Studies.
  4. Solve CBSE Sample Papers.
  5. Revise.
  6. Practice writing a high scoring answer.
  7. Stay Healthy.
  8. Stay Focussed while Studying.

How can I cover physics syllabus in 10 days?

This is easy to understand like Kinematics, if you refer some good books or best is NCERT Class 11 Physics textbook.

  1. You should try to relax as much as you can for the last 10 days.
  2. You should eat well and healthy food.
  3. Get proper sleep of nearly 8 (eight) hours.
  4. Have a last 10 day study plan for Class 11 Physics.
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Is class 12 physics very tough?

The CBSE Class 12 Physics paper was moderately difficult but a little lengthy as per feedback from teachers and students. The CBSE Class 12 Physics paper was of moderate difficulty but a little lengthy as per experts. It was not too tough but questions were mostly conceptual.

What happens if I fail physics class 12 CBSE?

If you just fail in one of the five papers i.e; in Physics only then you will be considered to have compartment in your results and if you fail in more than one paper then you will be considered as a fail candidate and has to reappear in all the papers of your board examination to get the certificate of Class 12th …

What is the importance of Modern Physics in Class 12 CBSE?

6) For class 12 CBSE, ICSE and other state board exams, Modern Physics is very important. Students who are weaker in Mathematics must prepare these chapters like “Electronics”, “Dual Nature of Radiation” and “Atom and Nuclei” properly as they do not require mathematical skills much.

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How do I prepare for Class 12 physics board exam?

The best way to evaluate the exam preparation level is by solving the different types of Physics class 12 sample papers and question papers. After attempting a single paper, give proper time for self-evaluation.

How to prepare for numerical problems in Class 12 CBSE board exam?

Numerical problems are in almost every chapter of Physics. But, in class 12 CBSE board exam, you will be asked numericals of only 15 marks. So, don’t waste your time in just solving numerical. If you find it tough, leave this section and proceed ahead, prepare other sections. Study theoretical portions properly. 5) Learn all Formulas thoroughly.

Is physics a good subject in CBSE 10th?

Absolutely, Physics is a very interesting subject if you are good in it. But, it can be disastrous, if you are weaker in this subject. Few years back, CBSE changed the pattern of question paper a little bit to test the concepts of students. Hence, your basic concepts should be clear to obtain good marks in it.