Useful tips

How can we solve the problem of employment?

How can we solve the problem of employment?

Ways to Solve Unemployment Problem:

  • Ensuring political stability.
  • Enhancing the educational standards.
  • Control of population growth in the nation.
  • Launch of new empowerment programs.
  • Encouraging self-employment/ entrepreneurship.
  • Ensuring access to basic education.
  • Reducing the age of retirement.
  • Avoid laziness.

How can we reduce the problem of unemployment?

Top 6 Strategies to Reduce Unemployment

  1. Strategy 1# Use of Labour-intensive Technology:
  2. Strategy 2# Accelerating Investment in Agriculture:
  3. Strategy 3# Diversification of Agriculture:
  4. Strategy 4# Labour-Intensive Industrial Growth:
  5. Strategy 5# Services and Employment Growth:

What steps should governments take to reduce unemployment?

Policies for reducing unemployment

  • Monetary policy – cutting interest rates to boost aggregate demand (AD)
  • Fiscal policy – cutting taxes to boost AD.
  • Education and training to help reduce structural unemployment.
  • Geographical subsidies to encourage firms to invest in depressed areas.
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How can we tackle the problem of unemployment in semi urban areas?

1. Invest in industries that employ a large number of people. 2. Improve the transportation sector so that people can be employed to work in this industry.

How can educated unemployment be overcome?

Suggestions are mentioned below:

  1. Emphasis should be laid on skill development.
  2. Technical education should be provided.
  3. Vocational education should be introduced.
  4. The problem of the educated unemployed can be mitigated by providing them professional education.

How can unemployment be tackled in semi rural areas suggest any three ways?

1.By starting their own business which rural area lacking in. 2.By creating some employment with the help of urban area’s facilities. 3. Teach the students of your area so that they could be self independent.

How can the problem of under employment be solved in urban areas?

Answer: Government should encourage and develop the agriculture based industries in rural areas so that the rural candidates don’t migrate to the urban areas. More employment should be generated in rural areas for the seasonal unemployment people.

What is the meaning of educated unemployment how it can be prevented?

Educated unemployment is when a person is educated and is not able o find a suitable and efficient job for himself. In order to avoid and overcome such situations, it is essential for the youngsters to be aware of what career path they have to choose to fetch a suitable job for themselves.

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How can educated unemployment cause problems?

Outdated curriculum, inferior teaching resources, lack of basic infrastructure, to name a few, are at the root of youth unemployment. The students are not trained to meet the needs of the economy, or understand the subject to the core, but rather to cram up the syllabus and get the right grades.

How we can tackle the problem of unemployment in semi urban areas?

How can we improve employment in rural areas?

Some ways to create employment opportunities in rural areas are:

  1. Agricultural sector: Construction of various means of irrigation like dams, canals etc., generates employment in the agricultural sector.
  2. Transport and other services:
  3. Promotion of industries:
  4. Education sector:
  5. Tourism:

How can we solve the problem of underemployment in rural areas?


  1. Generating alternative employment opportunities, particularly in rural areas, such as horticulture, fisheries, etc.
  2. Providing vocational training and skills so as to help in gainful employment.
  3. Encouraging self-employment by providing adequate credit, infrastructural and other such facilities.

How to solve the economic problems of the Philippines?

The dynamism of the market needs be unleashed in order to solve the economic problems of the Philippines. In a nutshell this means removing the stranglehold of the Philippine state on the economy. The nature of this stranglehold boils down to taxes, regulations and the bureaucracy that enforces this ill-informed laws. 1. Open the Economy

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What are the solutions to unemployment in the Philippines?

Having seen some of the common solutions to unemployment, let’s see how these solutions and more can be applied to the Philippines. Reducing occupational immobility is one possible solution that can be applied to the Philippines. There is an oversupply of workers and a good amount of graduates every year who fall into unemployment.

What are the problems of Filipino workers in the Philippines?

Louie Corral, vice president of the Trade Union Congress of the Philippines, said the agency should also provide solutions to some other issues hounding Filipino workers such as the problems in wage and safety, as well as illegal contractualization. Data from the Philippine Statistics Authority show that more Filipinos were employed in 2018

How can we reduce occupational immobility in the Philippines?

Reducing occupational immobility is one possible solution that can be applied to the Philippines. There is an oversupply of workers and a good amount of graduates every year who fall into unemployment. By enlisting them in retraining courses, they can gain new skills that are necessary to garner them a place in the workforce.