Useful tips

How can you tell fake gurus?

How can you tell fake gurus?

The first sign a Guru is being untrustworthy is if they call themselves a Guru. Someone who is enlightened will not tell you that they are enlightened, but allow you to reach your own conclusion based on their actions. Another sign that they are a fake Guru can be found within their attitude towards you.

What is a false guru?

Such self-styled ‘ gurus’ often pander to the sensuous demands of their disciples and suggest paths that are totally contrary to scriptural advice. False gurus attract false disciples. One doesn’t select a guru, rather one gravitates towards a guru who is the most suited to his present state of mental development.

How do you know a true guru?

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As per Bapu, the Guru as mentioned in such a context must be symbolic of:

  1. The colour blue – he must have the vastness of the sky.
  2. The colour red – of bravery, love and patience.
  3. Green – for internal and external prosperity and his Shiv Sankalpa (determined effort) for the welfare of others.

Are there any real gurus?

Certainly, in the Indian tradition, there have been many examples of gurus — such as Ramana Maharshi and Ramakrishna — who have behaved with integrity, and supported the development of thousands of followers. This also doesn’t mean that there is anything wrong with spiritual teachers per se.

Who is true guru in world?

The true Guru is God on earth: he is His vehicle, His mouth, His arms, His heart, His blessing. The reason for it is that he is nothing: only a pure window for God’s transforming light.

Who is the true saint in all over the world?

with proof Who is the true saint in the world Saint Rampal ji maharaj – YouTube.

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What is a spiritual teacher called?

Spiritual teachers fall into several subcategories: Shaykhs or Sufi teachers, Gurus (including Hindu Gurus, Sant Mat Gurus, and Sikh Gurus), Buddhist teachers, including Tibetan Lamas (which is really simply the Tibetan word for Guru), and Mahasiddhas, who may be claimed by both Buddhist and Hindu traditions.

Who is the best spiritual Guru in the world?

The list

  • A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (1 September 1896 – 14 November 1977)
  • Abhinavagupta (c. 950 – 1020)
  • Adi Shankara (c. 788 – 820)
  • Advaita Acharya (1434–1539)
  • Agastyar (3rd millenium BCE)
  • Akka Mahadevi (c.1130 – 1160), Kannada literature.
  • Alvar Saints (700–1000)
  • Anandamayi Ma (30 April 1896{snd}}27 August 1982)

Can a live person be canonized?

Sainthood is quite an exclusive club for American Catholics. For starters, the type of saint we’re talking about is a heavenly being, so according to the church, you can’t be canonized while you’re alive (normally the process doesn’t start until at least five years after death).