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How did Spanish and French relations with native peoples differ?

How did Spanish and French relations with native peoples differ?

The major difference between the way that the Spanish and the French treated “their” Indians was based on the respective economic and societal needs of the two European nations. By contrast, the Spanish used the Indians economically and integrated them into the colonial society.

What was the main reason the Native Americans had a better relationship with the French than the British?

What was the main reason the native americans had a better relationship with the french than the british? the french taught the native americans new customs. the french did not settle in the mississippi valley region. the french built forts to protect native american land and crops.

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Why were the French and Native American allies?

The French had far more American Indian allies than the English because they were more successful at converting the various tribes to Christianity and they focused more on trading than on settling North America, so the American Indians saw them as less of a threat to their land and resources.

How did the Spanish and French differ in their treatment of American Indians?

The Spanish forced American Indians to convert to Christianity while the French built relationships with them. The French were dependent on the fur trade, while the Spanish were dependent on the sugar trade. The Spanish built relationships with American Indians, while the French forced their culture onto them.

What was the relationship between the Spanish and the natives?

The Spanish attitude toward the Indians was that they saw themselves as guardians of the Indians basic rights. The Spanish goal was for the peaceful submission of the Indians. The laws of Spain controlled the conduct of soldiers during wars, even when the tribes were hostile.

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How did English relations with the Native Americans differ from the French and Dutch relations with the Native Americans?

English settlers were more interested in acquiring Native American lands, while Dutch and French colonists generally developed amicable relations with neighboring Native Americans in order to maintain a prosperous fur trade.

Why Native Americans had a more friendly relationship with the Dutch and French compared to the British?

French and Dutch colonization in the Americans focused on the profitable fur trade. Depending on Native Americans to hunt animals for their pelts, French and Dutch colonizers cultivated friendly relationships with Native Americans through intermarriage and military alliances.

How was the relationship between the Spanish and the natives?

How did the Spanish and French differ in their treatment of the native inhabitants of the lands they colonized?

In terms of trade, the French depended mainly on Fur trade but the Spanish depended on sugar trade. Another difference is that the French treated the natives as economic partners but did not integrate them into their society, while the Spanish used them economically and also integrated them into their society .

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How were the relations between the French and the Natives?

They respected Native territories, their ways, and treated them as the human beings they were. The Natives, in turn, treated the French as trusted friends. More intermarriages took place between French settlers and Native Americans than with any other European group.

How did France’s activity in the Americas differ from that of Spain?

How did France’s American colonies differ from Spain’s American colonies? Seeing Spain’s wealth from its American colonies, other European nations established colonies in the Americas. France established trading settlements in present-day Canada, along the St. They trade the pelts to the French.