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How did the concept of God originate?

How did the concept of God originate?

Those who are aware of its earlier origins generally trace it back to several ancient Greek thinkers in the sixth century BC. The first to broach the idea of human beings having created gods were a number of Old Testament Jewish prophets from the eighth century BC onwards.

Why has the understanding of God changed?

Our personal concept of God is ever-changing because we change and the world we live in changes. Changes in secular circumstances, religious power, and cultural diffusion changed how early peoples saw God. As people’s concept of God changed, old ideas were either incorporated into new religions or dropped completely.

Is God different for different people?

It’s not that God is different for different people. God is eternally the same. It’s that we humans are different from one another, and we each see God in our own way. God gives every person and every culture what’s needed to know and love God, and to love and serve their fellow human beings.

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Is ‘God does not exist’ a contradiction?

If ‘God does not exist’ is not a contradiction, then the ontological argument fails to prove ‘God exists’ is an analytic truth. Kant argues that existence is not a property (predicate) of things in the same way, say, green is a property of grass. To say something exists doesn’t add anything to the concept of it.

What does it mean when someone says God exists?

When someone says “God exists”, they don’t mean “there is a God and he has the property of existence”. If they did, then when someone says “God does not exist”, they’d mean, “there is a God and he has the property of non existence” – which doesn’t make sense! Instead, what people mean when they say “God exists” is that “God exists in the world”.

Does God say the same thing to everyone everywhere?

In exactly the same way, although God says the same thing to all people everywhere, each one of us hears it differently according to our own particular culture, experiences, and beliefs. The difference is not in God, but in the listeners. God says “I love you” to people in all times, places, and cultures.

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