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How did the Internet come about?

How did the Internet come about?

Who created the internet? The internet began as ARPANET, an academic research network that was funded by the military’s Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA, now DARPA). The project was led by Bob Taylor, an ARPA administrator, and the network was built by the consulting firm of Bolt, Beranek and Newman.

Who really invented the Internet?

Bob Kahn
Vint Cerf

Computer scientists Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn are credited with inventing the Internet communication protocols we use today and the system referred to as the Internet.

Who controls internet in the world?

The U.S., and corporate lobbies (most big Internet firms being U.S.-based or operating out of other developed countries) have argued for retaining the current structure, where ICANN (which already has a governing council with government representatives) retains control over Internet technologies.

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When did the Internet come out to the public?

April 30, 1993
On April 30, 1993, four years after publishing a proposal for “an idea of linked information systems,” computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee released the source code for the world’s first web browser and editor.

Did government invent the Internet?

The Internet did start with the ARPANET project and the federal government directly funded the creation of the Internet we know today, Cerf wrote. Ultimately, it was the work of researchers around the world from dozens of organizations that created the Internet.

Can the Internet be controlled?

Upshot: if you control all of DNS, you can control all of the internet. If someone were to gain control of ICANN’s database, that person would pretty much control the internet. To protect DNS, ICANN came up with a way of securing it without entrusting too much control to any one person.

Did a black person invent the computer?

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That all changed thanks to Black inventor and engineer Mark Dean. Dean began working for IBM as a chief engineer in the early 1980s, making up a team of 12 people who would develop the first IBM PC.

Who invented the first search engine?

Alan Emtage
Until Alan Emtage, a native of Barbados, created the world’s first search engine that he called Archie. In 1989, Emtage was a systems administrator in the information technology department at McGill University in Montreal while he was enrolled graduate school at the University.

Did you know that there were limitations to the Internet?

A person who uses the Internet very frequently can face abusive or trolls’ people. Another issue cyberbullying is also increasing rapidly over the years. Sometimes, you can be tracked on the Internet by hackers or unauthorize persons; they can be harmful to you by stealing your personal information.