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How did the Kaminoans clone Jango Fett?

How did the Kaminoans clone Jango Fett?

During the final years of the Galactic Republic, the Sith Lord Darth Tyranus recruited Jango Fett—a human bounty hunter—as the genetic template of a secret army of clone troopers. To ensure loyalty and obedience in the clones, the Kaminoans installed an inhibitor chip within the brain of every Fett clone.

How did the Kaminoans make a female clone?

The Kaminoans in Star Wars had the most advanced cloning and genetic technology in the Galaxy. Most likely they just switched out Jango Fett’s X and Y chromosomes which control the sex of the subject. This would produce a female copy of Jango Fett.

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Why did Jango clone himself?

Because he wasn’t genetically modified to have accelerated growth like the other clones, he’s still alive during the time of The Mandalorian. Knowing that he’s a foundling explains why Jango wanted a clone for himself; he wanted a foundling of his own to raise, someone to carry on his legacy, as is the Mandalorian way.

How is Omega a clone of Jango?

Creation and the Clone Wars Created in the private laboratory of Kaminoan scientist Nala Se on the extragalactic planet Kamino in the star system of the same name, Omega was an unmodified clone with enhances created from the genetic template of the Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett.

Is Boba Fett a clone or Jangos son?

With his customized Mandalorian armor, deadly weaponry, and silent demeanor, Boba Fett was one of the most feared bounty hunters in the galaxy. A genetic clone of his “father,” bounty hunter Jango Fett, Boba learned combat and martial skills from a young age.

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How did Jango Fett become part of the Kaminoans?

Through some deception, Jango Fett was recruited by Count Dooku to become the genetic template for the Kaminoans’ clones.

How did Jango Fett get his clones to age so fast?

The Kaminoan government’s scientists modified Jango Fett’s genotype for the purpose of producing loyal clones at an accelerated rate. With the exception of Boba, who was grown through pure genetic replication, the rest of Jango’s clones were designed to age at twice the speed of birth-born humans.

Why did the Kaminoans put a chip in Fett’s brain?

To ensure loyalty and obedience in the clones, the Kaminoans installed an inhibitor chip within the brain of every Fett clone. The chip’s official purpose was to diminish the aggressive traits of the clone template so that the clones would be more compliant with orders.

Is Jango Fett Boba Fett’s father?

Boba Fett considered Jango his father, but others recognized him as the clone of a man long since dead. Jango Fett’s clones were decommissioned shortly after the proclamation of the Galactic Empire, replaced as stormtroopers by natural-born recruits during the early Imperial Era.