Useful tips

How did u change ur life Quora?

How did u change ur life Quora?

So, here’s a few things I am actively doing that is going to make the much needed changes in my life in a BIG way.

  1. I’ve stopped drinking.
  2. I stopped giving advice.
  3. Im learning to think before I speak.
  4. I’m working on stop trying to save people.
  5. Cleaning house and removing those that aren’t on the same path as I am.

How I can change my life to better Quora?

There are 10 Daily Habits That Can Actually Change Your Life.

  1. Create a morning ritual.
  2. Follow the 80/20 rule. …
  3. Read, read, read. …
  4. Learn to single-task. …
  5. Appreciate it more. …
  6. Surround yourself with positive people. …
  7. Make time for exercise. …
  8. Master the art of listening.

How can I improve myself everyday Quora?

  1. Never sleep without planning your day in advance.
  2. Never go back to sleep once you wake up.
  3. Make your bed perfectly after your wake up.
  4. After waking up, do some sort of exercise at least for 20 mins.
  5. Eat less but high quality food.
  6. Make a diet.
  7. Every single day, read something new.
  8. Create a group of Great mind thinkers.
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What are 5 habits that can improve my life Quora?

Avoid junk food.

  • Drink more water.
  • Start having balanced diet.
  • Have some good breakfast.
  • Start doing exercise.
  • Get up early in morning.
  • Sleep early in night to complete above mentioned point.
  • What things changed your life?

    7 Things That Changed My Life And They Can Do The Same For You!

    • The answer has been and always will be: SUCCESS is not a destination, it’s a JOURNEY!
    • Reading Personal Growth Books.
    • Taking Daily Action.
    • Keeping a Journal.
    • Practicing Meditation.
    • Having A Success-Focused Mindset.
    • Setting Goals And Writing Them Down.

    Is it possible to change your life Quora?

    The main point to note is to always stay in control of your emotions. The key is self discipline. Get rid of all those bad habits, daily routines, and mundane work. The final step is to focus on your own goals in life and don’t expect others to stop this world from rotating for you while you take a break.

    How can I make people’s lives better?

    The Five Easiest Ways to Change Another Person’s Life

    1. Say thank you to a person who believed in you.
    2. Apologize to a person you let down.
    3. Express your congratulations.
    4. Make a sincere offer of help.
    5. Offer an unexpected compliment.
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    Why is personal development important Quora?

    Self improvement is very much necessary because each day we learn new things with our living standard method and other several factors but improvement makes to develop our knowledge and understand new thing. Working on yourself is very important in life.

    Why is improving yourself important?

    It is important to prioritize your life in order for self-improvement to occur. Self-improvement helps enhance strengths, improve mental health, and even heal relationships. Some ways of self-improvement include simple tasks such as reading a book, trying something new, mediating, or even waking up early.

    How we can improve your life?

    Here are some good habits to improve your life in the new year, that will help you reach your goals when it becomes hard to continue:

    1. Stop Sacrificing What You Want Most For What You Want Right Now.
    2. Stop Making Excuses.
    3. Stop Taking Things Personally.
    4. Exercise.
    5. Eliminate Distractions.
    6. Stop Playing The Victim.
    7. Face Fear.

    What are some good daily habits Quora?

    Organize every single thing.

  • Don’t clutter things up.
  • Drink lot of water in whole day.
  • Start your day by drinking 1–2 litres of water daily.
  • Start your day with Yoga.
  • Meditate regularly.
  • Work on speaking skills.
  • Make your day productive.
  • How has Quora changed your life?

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    Quora kept me engaged and, most importantly, happy. The kind and encouraging words of fellow Quorans really made a world of difference in my attitude towards life. I thank them all. Within days, I recovered beyond my imagination. I would not say Quora changed my life.

    How to improve your life according to Rohn?

    Rohn: 13 Ways to Improve Your Life. 1 1. Face your fears. That’s how you conquer them. Don’t dismiss them; face them. Say, Here’s what I’m afraid of. I wonder what I could do to change 2 2. Exercise your willpower to change direction. 3 3. Admit your mistakes. 4 4. Refine your goals. 5 5. Believe in yourself.

    What are the 13 Ways to improve your life?

    Rohn: 13 Ways to Improve Your Life 1 Face your fears. 2 Exercise your willpower to 3 Admit your mistakes. 4 Refine your goals. 5 Believe in yourself. 6 Ask for wisdom. 7 Conserve your time. 8 Invest your profits. 9 Live with intensity. 10 Find your place. その他のアイテム…

    How to increase your vitality?

    Live with intensity. You might as well turn it up a notch or two. Invest more of you in whatever you do. Be a little stronger; be a little wiser. Step up your vitality contribution. Put everything you’ve got into everything you do and then ask for more vitality, more strength and more vigor, more heart and more soul.