Useful tips

How do I get a job as a miner?

How do I get a job as a miner?

To start a career as a miner, you must complete formal training through a Mine Safety and Health Administration approved program. While apprenticeship requirements vary by state, completing an apprenticeship after the program gives you an opportunity to gain experience alongside an experienced miner.

How do you get into the mines WA?

Here are some steps to take:

  1. Register with WorkPac (you can do this before you have your relevant medicals and advise us once complete).
  2. Keep an eye on our website as well as mining company websites for entry level jobs and apply.
  3. Network.
  4. Stay in touch – keep us informed of your availability and qualifications.

What education do I need to be a miner?

To become a miner you usually have to complete a traineeship. Entry requirements may vary, but employers generally require Year 10. You can also become a miner through a VET qualification. As subjects and prerequisites can vary between institutions, you should contact your chosen institution for further information.

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What jobs can you do in the mines?

Professional Mining vacancies can include:

  • Geologist.
  • Metallurgist.
  • Mine Manager.
  • Superintendent.
  • Production Manager.
  • Maintenance Manager.
  • Process Manager.
  • Operations Manager.

How much do entry level mining jobs pay?

As you can see, base salaries for roles in the mining industry range from about $70,000 for entry level, to $250,000 for experienced professionals. If you want to get your start in mining, it’s important to be realistic about the salary you will earn in the first year of employment.

How much does a miner earn in Australia?

Australian Bureau of Statistics data show that the mining industry employs 256,000 highly skilled workers across Australia and pays higher wages than any other industry. Median weekly earnings for mining workers were $2,325 in 2020, double the median for all industries ($1,150).

What skills are required for mining?

Physical Requirements It’s generally helpful to have good manual dexterity and steady hands, as well as strong hearing and vision. Miners should be relatively coordinated, in the sense that they should not have any physical impairment that limits control of their limbs or lengthens their reaction time.

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What qualifications do I need to work in mining?

A bachelor’s degree will suffice for most positions. Postgraduate programmes are also available and may be necessary for some positions. To begin working, licensure may not be required for entry-level positions. However, to advance your career as a mining engineer a license will be required.

What are the position in mining?

Mining operations jobs include vice president, general manager, mine manager, chief mining engineer, and manager of technical service. These roles, less science-based and more work-based, involve planning and structuring to make a mining project work both in the short- and long-term.

How hard is it to get a mining job in Australia?

The mining industry can be very difficult to get into, especially if you have no previous experience or qualifications. You need to be persistent and have patience, when applying for mining jobs. If you’re serious about getting a mining job then try everything until you have exhausted all avenues.

How much do Australian miners get paid?

How do I get a job in the mining industry Australia?

Here are some of the best ways to go about getting a mining job in Australia: Have Qualifications and/or experience. Establish Contacts and Network. Contact Recruitment Agencies and/or Labour Hire Companies. Go to the Mining Towns. Be in the Right Place at the Right Time. Shut Downs.

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What are some examples of mining towns in Australia?

In Western Australia for example the most obvious one is Kalgoorlie. In NSW the Hunter Valley and in Queensland the Bowen Basin regions have several major regional towns which act as large employment bases for the mining industry.

How do I start a mining business in Kalgoorlie?

Usually this will occur where you have already made your way to Kalgoorlie. We find the best way to get a start in the industry is to contact the mining companies directly, or if possible look at relocating to one of the regional mining centres.

Is the mining industry in Australia becoming more gender neutral?

The mining industry in Australia is becoming increasingly gender neutral. It’s not just cooking and cleaning jobs either on offer for women either; more and more women are working on Australian mining sites, and in some cases, companies even prefer women for certain jobs.