Useful tips

How do I tell my girlfriend I cross dress?

How do I tell my girlfriend I cross dress?

Tell her what role you see cross-dressing playing in your life and relationship, so that she knows what to expect and how to support you. Do you enjoy going out while dressed as a woman, or is it purely a private activity to indulge at home? What would you like her involvement to be, if any?

How do I tell my wife I like crossdressing?

Let her know you have not told her because you are just beginning to understand how important cross-dressing it is to you in your life and the one person you trust and love is her. Tell her about your early experiences with cross-dressing. Schedule an appointment with a therapist for both of you.

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How do I explain crossdressing to my wife?

Is cross-dressing a mental illness?

Currently, cross-dressing itself is not considered a disorder, but in some people cross-dressing behavior may impair functioning and quality of life and/or result in anxiety and distress.

Should I tell my wife I am a crossdresser?

Communication is key for acceptance. There is no perfect way to inform your wife you are a cross-dresser, yet the way you tell her is almost as important as what you are telling her. Most cross-dressers are quite good at hiding their secret, so when you do inform her after years of marriage, she is going to be shocked.

Where can I find research on the wives of crossdressers?

Research on the wives of crossdressers: Questionnaire II. Report 3 The Questionnaire II survey of crossdressers wives was developed in early 2012 and placed on the web site,, in mid-March.

How common is crossdressing with your husband?

Mostly a fetishistic husband; not complete dressing as a woman: 36\%. Husband dressed completely as woman (i.e., a crossdresser): 43\%. Don’t know or some other style of dressing: 19\%. Crossdressing improved intimacy: 22\%.

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How can I stop being a crossdresser?

For those who feel like their behavior is interfering their work and relationships, treatment comprises of cognitive behavior therapy and use of certain medications (SSRIs) to diminish the urge to cross dress. Unfortunately, despite treatment relapse rates are high.

What is it like to be a cross dresser?

Some men find that cross-dressing makes them feel relaxed and helps them with stress. For both the cross dresser and his family it is not an easy thing to deal with and it is very common to experience a sense of despair to face the reality of the situation. My client loves her husband and does not want to leave him.