Useful tips

How do you balance zinc and silver nitrate?

How do you balance zinc and silver nitrate?

Balancing Strategies: In this single displacement reaction Zn is replacing the Ag in AgNO3. To balance this equation it is easiest to consider the NO3 to be one item. There is one NO3 on the reactant and two on the product side of the equation. Put a “2” in front of the AgNO3 to balance the NO3 (nitrate).

What happened when zinc reacts with silver nitrate?

(a) Zinc reacts with silver nitrate to produce zinc nitrate and silver.

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How will you obtain silver chloride from silver nitrate give a balanced equation for it?

Answer: AgNO3 + Cl2 ——> AgCl2 + NO3.

What is the formula of zinc nitrate?

Zinc nitrate/Formula

What type of reaction is zinc silver nitrate zinc nitrate silver?

This reaction is generally a substitution reaction where the zinc is substituted in place of the silver.

How will you obtain zinc chloride from zinc?

Dissolve your zinc in dilute hydrochloric acid. It will give off hydrogen and the remaining liquid will contain zinc chloride.

Does Ag and Cl form a precipitate?

If two solutions are mixed together it is possible that two ions could combine to form an insoluble ionic complex. Since Ag+ is now in solution with Cl- the two will combine to form AgCl, and the AgCl will precipitate from solution.

What is formula of silver nitrate?

Silver nitrate/Formula

What is the formula of silver chloride?

Silver chloride/Formula

How do you know if you have a balanced equation?

Count the number of each type of atom in each type of molecule. Fill in the total number of atoms present for each type of molecule. If each side of the equation has the same number of atoms of a given element, that element is balanced. If all elements are balanced, the equation is balanced.

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What is balanced in a chemical equation?

To balance a reaction means to make the number of atoms the same on both the reactants and products side. To do so, coefficients need to be added to the chemical equation. This balances the atoms, making the number of atoms the same on both the reactants and products side.

What is the formula for silver nitrate and zinc nitrate?

Zinc + Silver nitrate → Zinc nitrate + Silver Zn(s) + 2AgNO3 (s) → Zn (NO3)2 + 2Ag Zinc leads to the formation of zinc nitrate with silver nitrate and provides silver as a byproduct during or at the end of the process.

How do you make silver from zinc and AgNO3?

Zn(s) + 2AgNO3 (s) → Zn (NO3)2 + 2Ag Zinc leads to the formation of zinc nitrate with silver nitrate and provides silver as a byproduct during or at the end of the process. The process happens since zinc, that leads to zinc nitrate, is much more reactive than silver, and this, in turn, creates silver.

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Which is more electropositive silver or zinc?

Zinc is more electropositive than silver, when zinc is put into a solution of silver nitrate zinc reacts with the nitrate in the solution precipitating silver What is the chemical balanced equation for zinc with an iron chloride solution?

Can zinc displace silver from it’s salt in this reaction?

I included phases in this equation, showing that all products and reactants in this reaction are aqueous, with the exception of silver chloride which forms a solid precipitate in solution. Since Zinc is more reactive than silver therefore , it can displace silver from it’s salt.