Useful tips

How do you come up with an original brand name?

How do you come up with an original brand name?

  1. Use acronyms. A lot of major companies use acronyms instead of their full names – it’s easier to remember.
  2. Create mash-ups.
  3. Draw inspiration from mythology and literature.
  4. Use foreign words.
  5. Use your own name.
  6. Take a look at a map.
  7. Mix things up.
  8. Partner with another company.

How do I make sure no one has the same business name?

File for a trademark on your business name. A trademark is the only way to prevent others from using the name and gives you legal recourse should someone attempt to use it. Create a description of your services and products that the business name represents.

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How do I find out what my business name is?

12 Tips For Naming Your Startup Business

  1. Avoid hard-to-spell names.
  2. Don’t pick a name that could be limiting as your business grows.
  3. Conduct a thorough Internet search.
  4. Get the .com domain name.
  5. Use a name that conveys some meaning.
  6. Conduct a trademark search.
  7. Conduct a Secretary of State search.

How do I make a memorable name?

Top 10 Characteristics That Make Names Memorable

  1. 1-Smoothness (Alliteration) Names that are smooth and easy to say and remember are the ones that just roll off the tongue.
  2. 2- Short and Sharp.
  3. 3- Money.
  4. 4- Fame and Fortune.
  5. 5-Notoriety.
  6. 6- Famous Family.
  7. 7-Foreign Word.
  8. 8- Cross Over Word.

How do you come up with a logo and name?

How to Choose a Company Name & Logo

  1. Choose a Company Name. Brainstorm business name ideas and jot down each name you consider.
  2. Think Long-Term. Avoid puns or other humorous names that might be funny now, but will become annoying years from now.
  3. Select a Company Logo. Examine the logos your competitors are using.
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Should I name my business after myself?

Don’t Name a company after yourself, unless… According to Alexandra Watkins, founder of Eat My Words, a company that creates business names ideas for clients, you should not name your business after yourself. They just aren’t memorable, imaginative names.

What makes a name easy to remember?

Repetition makes a name memorable by making the pronunciation more simple. In other words, it is definitely easier to remember a string of similar sounds than it is to remember a combination of totally different sounding words.

Should a logo have a company name?

The business or the company name should be used in the logo as it is the key identity of the brand. But as the name is too long, only the short form i.e. IBM has been used in the logo and has become widely popular. There are many people who do not even know the actual name of the company.

How to choose a business name for your business?

Think about future advertisements and how the name will complement your logo. If you have the creative ability, make mockups of business cards, flyers, social media banners, and other items to see how the name actually looks on physical or digital products. If you can, at least get a business name and logo file.

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What are some good names to name my startup?

Though we just started the naming process, there are already a few good names on the board that I would save. SmartIncomeLabs, StartupIncome, and IncomeBros are all decent names already on the board (and of course StartupBros would have been on this board if it were available).

What does it mean to be stumped on something?

To be stumped is to not know what to do or say.

What should I do if I Can’t Find my original trust documents?

If you’re unable to find your original documents, your best option is to find a new attorney and revise your estate plan. You can do a trust restatement in which it will be stated that the new terms of the trust supersede or replace any prior terms.