Useful tips

How do you increase the work done by increasing the force or increasing the distance?

How do you increase the work done by increasing the force or increasing the distance?

Contrary to popular belief, machines do not increase the amount of work that is done. They just change how the work is done. Machines make work easier by increasing the amount of force that is applied, increasing the distance over which the force is applied, or changing the direction in which the force is applied.

How does force and distance affect work?

Work is done when a force is applied to an object through a distance. This means that when a force is applied to an object through a distance, the object’s total energy will be affected. His arm goes back as far as possible and then as forward as possible in order to maximize the distance the force was applied.

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Why is work only done when the force is in the same direction as the movement?

So, an object’s kinetic energy will only change if the force acting on the object changes the object’s speed. This will only happen if there is a component of the force in the direction that the object moves. Therefore, a force will do work only if the force has a component in the direction that the object moves.

What is the force which acts perpendicular to the direction of travel of an object?

The normal force is one component of the contact force between two objects, acting perpendicular to their interface. The frictional force is the other component; it is in a direction parallel to the plane of the interface between objects. Friction always acts to oppose any relative motion between surfaces.

What happens to work when the distance is increased?

→d is the displacement; θ is the angle between the two. ∣∣∣→d∣∣∣ will be the distance covered; so increasing it, work increases. The cos(θ) term can be positive or negative but this tells us whether work is done BY the system or ON the system.

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When we increase the distance over which we apply force?

Increasing the separation distance between objects decreases the force of attraction or repulsion between the objects. And decreasing the separation distance between objects increases the force of attraction or repulsion between the objects.

Is work force times distance?

In words: Work is equal to the force that is exerted times the distance over which it is exerted. In equation form: work (joules) = force (newtons) x distance (meters), where a joule is the unit of work, as defined in the following paragraph.

What is the relation between the amount of work done and the distance covered due to the force?

Work can be calculated with the equation: Work = Force × Distance. The SI unit for work is the joule (J), or Newton • meter (N • m). One joule equals the amount of work that is done when 1 N of force moves an object over a distance of 1 m.

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Does work depend on distance or displacement?

work = force multiplied by distance. in my given example both the displacement and distance is the same.

Which direction is frictional force?

The friction force always acts in a direction that opposes the RELATIVE motion (or intended motion) of the two surfaces, not the motion itself. The direction of friction can be opposed to the direction of motion .

Which direction does the frictional force always act?

An important property of friction is that it always acts in the direction opposite to the direction of motion i.e. if an object is moving from left to right, the frictional force acts on it from right to left and vice versa. A car moving from right to left stops when brakes are applied.

How does increasing the distance between charged objects affect the electric force between them?

How does increasing the distance between charged objects affect the electric force between them? The electric force decreases because the distance has an indirect relationship to the force.