Useful tips

How do you outsmart a backstabbing coworker?

How do you outsmart a backstabbing coworker?

Try to put the record straight: If the backstabber is spreading rumours about you or has told some colleague that you do not like him or her, then go to the person directly and try to talk it out. Also, confront the rumours and if anything can be amended, do it. And the ones which you can’t help, ignore.

How do you tolerate fake people?

Avoid the fake person. Whenever you’re dealing with someone who makes you feel annoyed or disrespected, your best move is almost always one of the simplest options available. Simply avoid the person who’s aggravating you. Hang out together as little as possible.

How do you deal with two-faced coworkers?

How do we handle the two-faced foe?

  1. Maintain integrity. Never return the favor, as it will only make you look bad.
  2. Politely confront the situation.
  3. Maintain your distance.
  4. Always be alert/aware.
  5. Create and maintain a strong business network.
  6. Never underestimate others.
  7. Don’t let it get you down.
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How to deal with a fake co-worker at work?

The last thing you want to do when you’re dealing with a fake co-worker is find yourself smack dab in the middle of an awful game of “he said, she said.” So—call it paranoid—but it’s important for you to keep accurate records of anything negative, misleading, or mean-spirited that occurs.

How do you deal with phonies at work?

Nick may understand that you can’t get people to feel less fearful by telling them to stop doing it. You have to help them build their mojo supply back up when it is depleted. You can do that for your co-workers, especially the ones you think of as fakes and phonies.

How do you deal with an insincere coworker?

It’s important to create a little bit of distance between the two of you. Since you’ve confirmed that this person is indeed insincere, engaging in office chatter by the vending machines won’t do you any favors. Instead, make your best effort to have some space.

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Should you tell the truth at work?

That takes real strength but every time you tell the truth at work, you will get stronger. After a while you won’t care what anybody else thinks about you. You will stop being bothered by your fearful co-workers’ behaviors because you will see where those behaviors come from.