Useful tips

How do you tell someone you are doing well?

How do you tell someone you are doing well?

Here are some professional ways to tell someone, “Hope you’re doing well” in an email:

  1. “I hope you’re staying healthy.”
  2. “I hope this email finds you well.”
  3. “I hope you are having a productive day.”
  4. “How’s life in [City]?”
  5. “I hope you’re having a great week!”
  6. “I’m reaching out to you because…”

How do you say Im fine in slang?

You don’t have to reply fine every time….Let’s take a look right now.

  1. I’m Good.
  2. I’m Great!
  3. Doing Really Well!
  4. Couldn’t Be Better!
  5. I’m A-Okay!
  6. Peachy!
  7. I Feel Great!
  8. Never Better!

How do you say we are fine?

10 expressions to Use In Speaking And Writing:

  1. I’m fine thank you.
  2. I feel great / marvellous / fine.
  3. Couldn’t be better.
  4. Fit as a fiddle.
  5. Very well, thanks.
  6. Okay.
  7. Alright.
  8. Not bad.
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How do you say I hope you are well?

How do you say doing well?


  1. affluent.
  2. blooming.
  3. booming.
  4. comfortable.
  5. doing well.
  6. easy.
  7. flourishing.
  8. fortunate.

How do you say fine document?

“Fine by me” and “fine with me” are more common speech terms. For example: The contract details as defined in your document are acceptable to me. The contract details as defined in your document are fine with me.

What can I say instead of hope it goes well?

“I hope this email finds you well.” “I hope you’re having an A+ [week, month].” “I hope you’re having a two-coffee (versus a four-coffee) day.”

What to say besides I hope you are well?

10 Ways to Say “Hope You’re Doing Well” in a work-related email

  • ”Hope you are doing well and safe.”
  • “I hope you are having a productive day.”
  • “How’s life in (Office name).”
  • “I hope your weekend was relaxing.”
  • “I hope your spirits are high and your churn rates are low.”
  • “I have been thinking about you.
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What is another word for doing great?

What is another word for doing well?

thriving flourishing
prospering succeeding
being successful making it
making good getting ahead
getting to the top climbing the ladder

What is another word for very well?

What is another word for very well?

marvelouslyUS excellently
admirably superbly
wonderfully remarkably
magnificently extraordinarily
well extremely

What to say instead of I’m Fine?

It’s a good phrase to use instead of I’m fine. I Feel Great! If you are feeling great about your life, there are some ways to express this. You want to say more than just I’m fine, so let’s look at some ways to express that in English.

Why do people say “I’m fine” when you ask how they are?

According to the study funded by Mental Health Foundation, 34\% of people used the term “I’m fine” because it’s easier than explaining how they really are, and I get that, I really do. I have my own variation on replying to questions on how I am by saying “I’m alive” rather than “I’m fine”.

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How many times a week do you Say “I’m Fine”?

The Mental Health Foundation commissioned a study on 2000 people and found that an adult will say “I’m fine” 14 times a week, but only 19\% will actually mean it. According to the study funded by Mental Health Foundation, 34\% of people used the term “I’m fine” because it’s easier than explaining how they really are, and I get that, I really do.

Do you have to reply fine every time?

You don’t have to reply fine every time. You can say so many other things. Why should you do this? Because it will make your English sound more varied, it will make you appear as more fluent, and it will boost your confidence in an incredible way — just by answering a very simple everyday question. Are you ready to try? Let’s take a look right now.