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How does charge affect flux?

How does charge affect flux?

If a net charge is contained inside a closed surface, the total flux through the surface is proportional to the enclosed charge, positive if it is positive, negative if it is negative.

Does flux depend on position of charge?

As long as the amount of charge inside the surface stays the same, the total electric flux through the surface does not depend on where the charge is located. It also doesn’t depend on the size or shape of the surface, so long as the surface is closed.

What is Gauss theorem for a charge Q enclosed in a closed surface?

The Gauss Theorem The net flux through a closed surface is directly proportional to the net charge in the volume enclosed by the closed surface. In simple words, the Gauss theorem relates the ‘flow’ of electric field lines (flux) to the charges within the enclosed surface.

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Why does charge outside Gaussian surface?

Ans: When we find electric flux through a surface, then we consider the charge enclosed by the surface. This is done because Gauss’ law is defined in terms of charge enclosed. The electric field lines produced by a charge situated outside pass through the gaussian surface.

How do you find Q Enclosed?

q (coulombs enclosed) = D x 4 r2.

Does the location of the charges that are inside the surface affect the net flux?

The total flux is insensitive to the exact location of the charge within the surface.

Does electric flux depend on radius of sphere?

– The total electric flux through any closed surface is proportional to the total electric charge inside the surface. Point Charge Inside a Spherical Surface: – The flux is independent of the radius R of the sphere.

What does flux depend on?

Flux is the amount of “something” (electric field, bananas, whatever you want) passing through a surface. The total flux depends on strength of the field, the size of the surface it passes through, and their orientation.

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What is the flux through a closed surface with no charge?

According to the Gauss theorem in electrostatics, the flux through a closed surface is non zero when charge is placed inside the surface. Therefore for any closed surface containing no charge bears zero flux. Have you discovered the new standard in multi-carrier shipping?

How to calculate point charge inside a nonspherical surface?

Point Charge Inside a Nonspherical Surface: – Divide irregular surface into dA elements, compute electric flux for each (E dA cos φ) and sum results by integrating. – Each dA projects onto a spherical surface element total electric flux through irregular surface = flux through sphere. ε0 q ΦE =∫E ⋅dA= Integral through a closed surface

What is the relationship between electric charge and electric flux?

Electric Flux and Enclosed Charge: -There is a connection between sign of net charge enclosed by a closed surface and the direction of electric flux through surface (inward for -q, outward for +q). – There is a connection between magnitude of net enclosed charge and strength of net “flow” of E.

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What is the electric flux of a non-uniform electric field?

Flux of a Non-uniform Electric Field: 3. Gauss’s Law – The total electric flux through any closed surface is proportional to the total electric charge inside the surface. Point Charge Inside a Spherical Surface: – The flux is independent of the radius R of the sphere.