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How does each of the reactants in photosynthesis reach the chloroplasts in leaves?

How does each of the reactants in photosynthesis reach the chloroplasts in leaves?

The reactant molecules which are water, CO2 and light reach the chloroplast in different ways: the water reaches the leaves by the help of Xylem, the xylem in found vascular bundles which consist of Xylem and phloem; the carbon dioxide reaches the chloroplast through tiny openings present on the epidermis of leaves …

How do the reactants of photosynthesis enter the plant?

The raw materials of photosynthesis, water and carbon dioxide, enter the cells of the leaf, and the products of photosynthesis, sugar and oxygen, leave the leaf. Water enters the root and is transported up to the leaves through specialized plant cells known as xylem (pronounces zigh-lem).

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How do the co2co2 molecules used in photosynthesis reach and enter the chloroplasts in leaves?

How do the reactant molecules of photosynthesis reach the chloroplasts in leaves? CO2 enters leaves via stomata, and water enters via roots and is carried to leaves through veins.

How do the chemicals get to the leaf in photosynthesis?

Carbon dioxide enters through the stomata on the underside of the leaf. Water is absorbed by the root hair cells and is transported to the leaf by the xylem vessels. Oxygen is released through the stomata on the underside of the leaf; glucose is transported around the plant in the phloem vessels.

How do the reactant molecules of photosynthesis reach the chloroplasts in leaves quizlet?

How do the reactant molecules of photosynthesis reach the chloroplasts in leaves? CO2 enters the leaves via stomata, and water enters the plant via roots and is carried to the leaves through veins. Green, because green light is mostly transmitted and reflected-not absorbed-by photosynthetic pigments.

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What two reactants are shown entering the chloroplast?

Photosynthesis: Reactants and Products

  • Photosynthesis is the process plants use to make their own food.
  • The reactants of photosynthesis are carbon dioxide and water.
  • Light energy from the sun initiates photosynthesis in the chloroplasts of plant cells.
  • The products of photosynthesis are glucose and oxygen.

Where do the reactants of photosynthesis enter the leaf?

Carbon dioxide and water. b. Where do these reactants enter the leaf? CO, enters though underside of the leaf, water enters through the central vein.

Which molecules are reactants in photosynthesis in plants?

The reactants of photosynthesis are carbon dioxide and water.

How a molecule of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere reaches the site of photosynthesis in a leaf?

Plants get the carbon dioxide they need from the air through their leaves. It moves by diffusion through small holes in the underside of the leaf called stomata .

Which part of the leaf carries out photosynthesis?

1: Structure of a leaf (cross-section): Photosynthesis takes place in the mesophyll. The palisade layer contains most of the chloroplast and principal region in which photosynthesis is carried out. The airy spongy layer is the region of storage and gas exchange. The stomata regulate carbon dioxide and water balance.

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What is photosynthesis photosynthesis is a food making process that occurs in green plants?

Photosynthesis is a food-making process that occurs in green plants. It is the chief function of leaves. The word photosynthesis means putting together with light. Green plants use energy from light to combine carbon dioxide and water to make sugar and other chemical compounds.

How does photosynthesis benefit Heterotrophs quizlet?

How does photosynthesis benefit heterotrophs? It creates food they can eat.