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How does epilepsy affect the hippocampus?

How does epilepsy affect the hippocampus?

Seizures, especially ones that start in the temporal lobe, can cause a major blow to the hippocampus. The hippocampus is very sensitive to changes in brain activity. If seizures starting here go untreated, the hippocampus starts to harden and shrink.

What brain scan is used for epilepsy?

An MRI scan looks at the structure of the brain and may help to find the cause of your epilepsy. During the scan, detailed pictures are produced using strong magnetic fields. Because of the magnetic fields, metal objects in or near the machine can affect, or be affected by, the machine.

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What part of the brain controls epilepsy?

The temporal lobes are the areas of the brain that most commonly give rise to seizures. The mesial portion (middle) of both temporal lobes is very important in epilepsy — it is frequently the source of seizures and can be prone to damage or scarring.

What happens when you remove hippocampus?

In short, the hippocampus orchestrates both the recording and the storage of memories, and without it, this “memory consolidation” cannot occur.

How does the hippocampus relate to memory?

The hippocampus helps humans process and retrieve two kinds of memory, declarative memories and spatial relationships. Declarative memories are those related to facts and events. The hippocampus is also where short-term memories are turned into long-term memories. These are then stored elsewhere in the brain.

What is MRI brain epilepsy protocol?

MRI protocol for epilepsy is a group of MRI sequences put together to improve sensitivity and specificity in identifying possible structural abnormalities that underlie seizure disorders (e.g. mesial temporal sclerosis and malformation of cortical development).

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What is hippocampal sclerosis?

Hippocampal sclerosis is the commonest cause of drug-resistant epilepsy in adults, and is associated with alterations to structures and networks beyond the hippocampus.In addition to being a cause of epilepsy, the hippocampus is vulnerable to damage from seizure activity.

What happens in brain during epilepsy?

During a seizure, there is a sudden intense burst of electricity that disrupts how the brain usually works. This activity can happen on one small part of the brain and last for just a couple of seconds, or it can spread right across the brain and keep going for many minutes.

How is the brain affected by epilepsy?

The disease disrupts the activity of brain cells called neurons, which normally transmit messages in the form of electrical impulses. An interruption in these impulses leads to seizures. There are many different kinds of epilepsy, and different types of seizures. Some seizures are harmless and barely noticeable.

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How can you protect the hippocampus?

Treating Hippocampus Damage (Helping the Brain Repair Itself)

  1. Exercise. Exercise, particularly aerobic exercise, is one of the best ways to boost BDNF levels and improve hippocampal function.
  2. Stimulate Your Brain. Keeping your brain stimulated can also increase hippocampus function.
  3. Change Your Diet.

Why is the hippocampus so vulnerable?

The hippocampal formation is at the same time a very plastic brain region and a very vulnerable one to insults such as head trauma, ischemia, seizures and severe stress. Circulating glucocorticoids and endogenous excitatory amino acids acting as neurotransmitters play important roles in both aspects.