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How does the Birkeland Eyde process work?

How does the Birkeland Eyde process work?

Birkeland used a nearby hydroelectric power station for the electricity as this process demanded about 15 MWh per ton of nitric acid, yielding approximately 60 g per kWh. This nitrogen dioxide is then dissolved in water to give rise to nitric acid, which is then purified and concentrated by fractional distillation.

How do you manufacture nitric acid?

In general, the process for nitric acid manufacture consists of preheating the air, mixing it with ammonia gas, passing it over a platinum catalyst, extracting the heat produced from this reaction by using it to preheat the incoming air and then cooling further, adding secondary air and then absorb- ing the nitrogen …

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How is nitric acid prepared by Ostwald?

Nitric acid is most commonly manufactured by Ostwald process. In step 1, ammonia is oxidized to form nitric oxide and also nitrogen dioxide. Then in step 2, the nitrogen dioxide that was formed is absorbed in water. This in-turn forms nitric acid.

Which raw material is used in Birkeland Eyde process?

Dinitrogen is prepared commercially from air by liquification and fractional distillation. When liquid air is allowed to distil, dinitrogen having lower (77K) distils over first leaving behind liquid oxygen (bpt 90K).

Which gas’s is are used to Manufauctre nitric acid in birkland Eyd s process *?

1. Birkeland and Eyde process or arc process : Principle : N2 and O2 is present in the air are used for the manufacture of nitric acid.

Is Ostwald process reversible?

The process is reversible and exothermic. The change in temperature encourages a forward reaction.

How is nitric acid converted to nitric?

Nitric oxide combines with water vapour in the atmosphere to form nitric acid, which is one of the components of acid rain. Heightened levels of atmospheric nitric oxide resulting from industrial activity were also one of the causes of gradual depletion of the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere.

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How much nitric acid is produced annually?

Abstract. Nitric acid is a key chemical for many industries. Some 60 million tons are produced annually, of which 80\% goes into nitrate production for fertilizers and explosives, the latter principally for mining.

Which acid is prepared by Ostwald’s process?

nitric acid
The Ostwald process is a chemical process used for making nitric acid (HNO3). Wilhelm Ostwald developed the process, and he patented it in 1902.

How is nitric acid prepared in laboratory?

In laboratory, nitric acid can be made by thermal decomposition of copper(II) nitrate, producing nitrogen dioxide and oxygen gases, which are then passed through water to give nitric acid.

When concentrated nitric acid is heated it decomposes to give?

When concentrated nitric acid $(HN{O_3})$ is heated, it decomposes to give nitrogen oxide gas $(N{O_2})$ , oxygen $({O_2})$ and water $({H_2}O)$ . This is a thermal decomposition.

What is the catalyst used during the manufacture of nitric acid by Ostwald’s method?

Vanadium pentoxide which is denoted by V2O5 is often used as a catalyst during the processing of nitric acid in this method.