Useful tips

How hard is the Microsoft certification test?

How hard is the Microsoft certification test?

Microsoft certification exams are usually hard, really hard. They are generally not very fun to take. The exams dive into minutia, asking questions that people with years of experience can’t answer. Microsoft publishes exam description pages for every exam they administer.

What can you do to prepare for the certification exam?

The best preparation for a professional certification exam is hands-on training or practical experience because it’s the most effective way to get an in-depth understanding of IT concepts. Retaining knowledge and recalling it when needed is easy when you understand techniques.

Can you cheat on Microsoft certifications?

You can now take your Microsoft Certification Exams from home! However, being able to take an exam from home might increase chances of people cheating at the exam, and therefore decreasing the value of the certification.

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How long does it take to prepare for Microsoft certification?

Microsoft certifications that require about four months While it might seem ambitious to knock out two Microsoft exams in four months, the vast majority of polled IT professionals found two months enough to study for most MCSA exams.

Are Microsoft certifications easy?

Certification exams are among my favorite types of challenges – they are challenging, fairly easy to prepare for but hard to master and pass. In 2019 I’ve completed four certification exams. This year it’s been a lot of upgrades and transition exams on Azure and Microsoft 365.

How do I pass my IT certification exam?

Tips for Passing Microsoft Certification Exams

  1. Establish a Study Routine. Give yourself some structure when it comes to studying, and prioritize your study time.
  2. Review Topics Covered on the Exam.
  3. Find Study Materials.
  4. Take Notes While Studying.
  5. Practice Using the Technology.
  6. Take Practice Exams.
  7. Relax on Exam Day.

What is the penalty for cheating on a current IT industry exam?

Per Section 1681.5(b) of the California Insurance Code, willfully cheating or subverting a license examination is punishable by a fine not to exceed $10,000 or imprisonment not to exceed one year.

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Can I cheat on certiport?

Cheating. If a test candidate is caught cheating at a Certiport Authorized Testing Center (CATC) during an in-person or Exams from Home session, the exam should be stopped immediately by the proctor/exam administrator. The test candidate should then be notified of the infraction, and informed as to what was observed.

Can I use notes on Microsoft certification exam?

During the exam, you may not access hand-held computers or other electronic devices, pagers, watches, wallets, purses, hats (or other head coverings), bags, coats, books, notes, or any other materials not specifically approved.

What is the pass mark for Microsoft exam?

700 or greater
Scores needed to pass exams Any score of 700 or greater is a “pass.” Any score below 700 is a “fail.” The actual number of items you need to answer correctly to pass is determined by a group of subject matter experts in conjunction with the Microsoft psychometrician during the development and maintenance of the exam.

What is the best way to prepare for Microsoft certification?

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The first and most important basic thing is self willingness and desire for the certification. If someone is forcing you to get certified then there will be less probability to pass the exam. So, let us first self commit to it. 2. Do Proper Homework – Microsoft sites

What are the best resources to study for Microsoft exams?

Online Resources: An undervalued study resource for Microsoft exams is Microsoft Support (or MSDN for developers). Microsoft publishes pretty much everything about everything Microsoft on TechNet and MSDN, so it is highly likely that any technical details that can be asked are covered in TechNet.

How to retake a Microsoft certification exam?

You do not need to follow this approach, but you definitely need an approach. Taking a Microsoft certification exam “cold” is a good way to end up retaking a Microsoft certification exam. Step 1: Know what you need to know. Microsoft certification exams are usually hard, really hard.

What are Microsoft certification paths?

Microsoft has certification paths for many technical job roles. Each of these certifications consists of passing a series of exams to earn certification.