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How is a frog different from fish?

How is a frog different from fish?

Fishes are aquatic organisms and only live in water whereas, frogs are amphibians that is they can live on both land and water. 4. Fishes breathe through gills whereas, frogs breathe through their lungs or skin.

What kind of skin do frogs have?

Frogs and toads don’t have fur, feathers, or scales on their skin. Instead, they have a moist and permeable skin layer covered with mucous glands. Their special skin allows them to breathe through their skin in addition to using their lungs.

How is frog skin unique?

Frogs and the other amphibians, such as toads and salamanders, have unique skin characteristics among vertebrates. In order to keep moist, frog skin contains glands that secrete a slimy mucous layer to protect the skin from drying out and help draw in oxygen through the skin.

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What is the function of the skin in a frog?

Frogs’ skin is critical to their survival. Through it, they both drink and breathe. Frogs don’t swallow water; they get all the moisture they need through their skin. And though frogs have lungs, they rely on the extra oxygen they absorb through their skin, especially when they’re underwater.

How are fish and frogs alike?

Frogs come under the amphibians , fish’s breathe through gills . Frogs breath through lungs , its moist skin . Fishes live in water. Frogs live both on land and water .

Does a frog have skin or scales?

While many amphibians, including frogs, salamanders and caecilians, have smooth skin, most toads have bumpy bodies covered with raised glands, some of which produce toxic secretions. But no amphibians have scales.

In what way does the skin of amphibians differ from the skin of other vertebrates?

Reptiles have scales, and their skin is dry. Amphibians do not, and their skin is often moist with mucus, which keeps them from drying up.

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What is the difference between the human skin and the frog skin in terms of morphology function?

Function. A major difference between frog and human integumentary system is their function. The main functions of the frog integumentary system are protection, respiration, movement of nutrients, and camouflage while the human skin is responsible for protection, thermoregulation, and excretion.

What process takes place in the cells of the frog and the fish?

Now, there are two types of fertilization process; external fertilization and internal fertilization. The fishes and the frogs are oviparous that means they lay eggs and they undergo external fertilization. Some of the fishes like whales, sharks, etc undergo internal fertilization. Thus, the correct option is ‘A’.

How are fish and amphibians alike and different?

Both groups have gills and fins for at least part of their lives, though most amphibians lose their aquatic traits as adults. They both also have skin and eggs that need to remain moist, and rely on water for reproduction. For example, amphibians and fish are both also vertebrates and ectotherms.