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How is the life cycle of seedless vascular plants different from the life cycle of nonvascular plants?

How is the life cycle of seedless vascular plants different from the life cycle of nonvascular plants?

Unlike nonvascular plants, all vascular plants—including seedless vascular plants—have a dominant sporophyte generation. Seedless vascular plants include clubmosses and ferns. The resulting zygote develops into an embryo that becomes a new sporophyte plant. Then the cycle repeats.

How does seedless vascular plants reproduce?

Seedless vascular plants reproduce through unicellular, haploid spores instead of seeds; the lightweight spores allow for easy dispersion in the wind. Seedless vascular plants require water for sperm motility during reproduction and, thus, are often found in moist environments.

What are the differences between life cycles of seedless and seed plants?

The difference between seed plants and seedless plants is that seedless plants do not bear seeds for propagation, whereas seed plants bear seeds for multiplication. Seed plants mainly multiply by seeds. Seedless plants multiply by spores that may produced asexually or as a consequence of asexual reproduction.

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What stage is the longest part of the vascular seedless plant life cycle?

In seedless vascular plants, the sporophyte (diploid) stage is the longest part of the cycle.

What is the life cycle of an angiosperm?

The angiosperm life cycle consists of a sporophyte phase and a gametophyte phase. The cells of a sporophyte body have a full complement of chromosomes (i.e., the cells are diploid, or 2n); the sporophyte is the typical plant body that one sees when one looks at an angiosperm.

What are the differences between nonvascular and seedless vascular plants?

Nonvascular plants were the first plants to evolve and do not have vascular tissue. Seedless vascular plants have vascular tissue but do not have seeds.

What is the life cycle of fern?

The life cycle of the fern has two different stages; sporophyte, which releases spores, and gametophyte, which releases gametes. Gametophyte plants are haploid, sporophyte plants diploid. This type of life cycle is called alternation of generations.

When did seedless vascular plants evolve?

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about 430 million years ago
The first plant fossils that show the presence of vascular tissue date to the Silurian period, about 430 million years ago.

Are seedless vascular plants quizlet?

Seedless vascular plants include ferns, whisk ferns, club mosses, and horsetails. The plants do not produce seeds so, like bryophytes, they are dispersed (spread) by windblown spores. The gametophyte and sporophyte are independent. They are vascular plants and therefore have true roots, stems, and leaves.

What is the main difference between the seedless vascular plants and the advantage that ferns have over the club mosses?

Ferns and mosses are alike in one way. Both reproduce by spores instead of seeds. However, ferns are different from mosses because they have vascular tissue. The vascular tissue in seedless vascular plants, like ferns, is made up of long, tubelike cells.

Which two generations occur in the life cycle of a plant?

The plant life cycle has two stages, namely: the gametophyte stage, and the sporophyte stage.

What are the 5 stages of plant life cycle?

There are the 5 stages of plant life cycle. The seed, germination, growth, reproduction, pollination, and seed spreading stages.

What is the life cycle of seedless vascular plants?

Like all plants, seedless vascular plants have a gametophytic generation and a sporophytic generation. Recall, the sporophytic generation is the diploid part of the life cycle and, via meiosis, haploid spores are produced. Remember from the last tutorial, the moss life cycle is characterized by two types of haploid spores, male and female.

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Are seedless vascular plants diploid or haploid?

Seedless vascular plants express the typical life cycle pattern called alternation of generations found in many algae and members of the kingdom Plantae. As in all vascular plants, the diploid sporophyte generation, which produces haploid spores for the asexual reproductive phase, is dominant.

Are ferns seedless vascular plants?

Seedless vascular plants include clubmosses and ferns. Figure below shows a typical fern life cycle. In the life cycle of a fern, the sporophyte generation is dominant. A mature sporophyte fern has the familiar leafy fronds. The undersides of the leaves are dotted with clusters of sporangia.

What is the role of lignin in seedless vascular plants?

Lignin plays the same role in plants. Like all plants, seedless vascular plants have a gametophytic generation and a sporophytic generation. Recall, the sporophytic generation is the diploid part of the life cycle and, via meiosis, haploid spores are produced.