Useful tips

How is Vastu different from Feng Shui?

How is Vastu different from Feng Shui?

They both utilize the five elements; however, Vastu uses earth, water, fire, air and space; whereas Feng Shui replaces earth and space with wood and metal. Believers in Vastu or Feng Shui claim that homes built on that tradition promise the well being and welfare of its dwellers.

Do Vastu really works?

Vastu Shastra may not be essential for living, but it is helpful for a better and healthier life. It is the science of environment you live in. Vedic architecture is based on Vastu Shastra , roots can be traced in the scripture called Brihadsanghita.

Which Vastu is best?

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Directions for Vastu Entrance

  • North-east: It is known as the most auspicious direction in a home.
  • North: Your second best option is to opt for a north entrance.
  • East: East direction entrances enhance power and festivity.

Does Vastu work in USA?

Since vastu principles are scientific and include position in hemisphere, geographical location, climate, availability of sun light. These factors may differ in different parts of USA, therefore many principles of vastu which are valid for India may not work in USA or are not valid in context of USA.

Which Vastu is good for home?

As per Vastu, the best and most auspicious direction and place for the Pooja room is the north-east corner of your house. If north-east placement is not feasible, it can be set up in the east or the west side of the house.

Which entry is best for home?

Which direction is good for house entrance? The main door/entrance should always be in the north, north-east, east, or west, as these directions are considered auspicious. Avoid having the main door in the south, south-west, north-west (north side), or south-east (east side) directions.

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How quickly does Feng Shui work?

According to various consultants, some can start to experience results in as little as 3 months. Others, it might take a while longer. According to Feng Shui Master Laurent Langlais, a Feng Shui reading that’s integrated with your Bazi can bring faster and longer-lasting results.

What is the difference between Feng Shui and Vastu?

While the principles of Vastu can ideally be applied to a home that is being built from scratch, Feng Shui has relatively simpler principles which you can use at home any time. Vastu means “dwelling” and Shastra means “science.

How to choose the right Vastu Shastra for home?

Based on Vastu shastra for home, the rooms of worship, prayer and meditation should ideally be located in the north-east area of the house. Alternatively, they can also be in the north or the east area. While worshipping, one should face the East, and idols should not exceed 6 inches in height.

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What is the difference between Feng Shui and Chi and Prana?

Chi and Prana: The philosophies of Feng Shui are created around the flow of energy, called Chi in Chinese culture and Prana (life) in Hindu culture for Vastu Shastra. Energy fields: Both the practices believe that the centre of the home is where all the energies combine, and thus, that makes it the most important part of the house.

How can you tell if a house has good feng shui?

You can see houses that have their beds and sofas placed according to Vastu, and décor adhering to Feng Shui; like a Buddha facing the door and wind-chimes over the windows.