Useful tips

How long are furisode sleeves?

How long are furisode sleeves?

A furisode (振袖, lit., “swinging sleeves”) is a style of kimono distinguishable by its long sleeves, which range in length from 85 cm (33 in) for a kofurisode (小振袖, lit., “short swinging sleeve”), to 114 cm (45 in) for an ōfurisode (大振袖, lit., “large furisode”).

Can kimono be short?

Putting on a short kimono, however, is like wearing short trousers. As vintage kimono are a big trend in Japan these days, which tend to be a little too short for modern consumers, lots of people have started to wear their kimono without the fold at the waist. This makes it possible to wear even too short kimono.

What is a short sleeved kimono called?

The unique characteristic of a furisode is the length of its sleeves. A furisode has long, hanging sleeves, while kimonos with shorter sleeves are called tomesode.

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What are casual kimonos called?

A yukata (浴衣, lit. “bathrobe”) is an unlined cotton summer kimono, worn in casual settings such as summer festivals and to nearby bathhouses. Originally worn as bathrobes, their modern use is much broader, and are a common sight in Japan during summer.

Who can wear furisode?

Furisode are a type of kimono that have long hanging sleeves in the forearm. They are only worn by adult single women as they symbolize availability for marriage. Furisode are amongst the most elegant and expensive form of kimono. They typically cost over 1 million yen.

Is it disrespectful to wear a kimono the wrong way?

In short, you will not be viewed as ‘stealing’ Japanese culture if you wear a kimono and you are respectful when doing so. In fact, many Japanese would be pleased to see you wear a kimono as it demonstrates your passion for Japanese culture.

Can you wear long sleeves under a kimono?

“Kimonos are perfect for those warmer days when you need something light to wear over tops and your pants/shorts/jeans, as well as during the cooler months with a shirt or long sleeve top underneath,” Dan and Mish told Mamamia.

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Are Yukatas comfortable?

Are yukata comfortable? Yukata are one of the most comfortable pieces of traditional Japanese clothing. They look sleek and stylish and require minimal upkeep, while staying cool, breathable, and drawing sweat away from the body.

Do you wear Nagajuban under yukata?

Even if you do live in Japan, customs around yukata-wearing are less traditional than for kimono, so ultimately you should wear yukata how and when you feel comfortable. If the weather is cooler, you can wear thicker underwear, a nagajuban, or a scarf or jacket over the top.

Should I wear a nagajuban or kimono?

If you’re wearing a kimono to formal event then you would wear a nagajuban. It is like a second, simpler kimono that is worn under your kimono, and can only be seen at the collar. However, if you’re not dressing formally, you can wear your kimono how you feel comfortable.

How do you straighten the collar of a nagajuban?

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For that purpose you can use a kimono collar stiffener that is sewn on the nagajuban collar. The nagajuban is worn with one tie, which the kimono needs another two ties. On the outside of the garment you tie an obi, and an obiita (flat board for straightening out the obi surface) is also recommended.

What color is the sash on a nagajuban?

It’s usually white and only shows at your collar. Many nagajuban have replaceable collars so that you can match them to different kimono.The nagajuban is secured with a wide sash known as Datejime. It’s technically an “undersash” because it never shows through the kimono.

Which side of the kimono should be up?

The right side will be hidden when wearing it, so no one will be able to tell. A kimono that is too loose should be tied up nicely (but not too tight) at your waist.